Okuphezulu kwe-43 iOS 15 Izinkinga Zokuvuselela Nokulungiswa

Ingxenye 1. iOS 15 Update Izinkinga: Update Yehlulekile

Izinkinga ezivame kakhulu ze-iOS 15 zihlobene nokubuyekezwa kwayo. Nakuba isibuyekezo sasesidlangalaleni sihambisana nawo wonke amadivayisi ahamba phambili e-iOS, abasebenzisi basabhekene nezinkinga ngaso. Nazi ezinye zezinkinga ezijwayelekile ze-iOS 15 ezihlulekile nokuthi ungazilungisa kanjani.

1.1 I-iOS 15 Ukuvuselelwa Kwesofthiwe Yehlulekile

Kunezikhathi lapho ngenkathi bebuyekeza idivayisi yabo ku-iOS 15, abasebenzisi bathola ukubuyekezwa kwesofthiwe kwehlulekile, kwenzeke iphutha ukulanda ukwaziswa kwe-iOS 15 esikrinini sabo. Kusukela ekuxhumekeni kwenethiwekhi okubi kuya ekungqubuzaneni kwesibuyekezo, kungase kube nezizathu eziningi ngemuva kwakho. Akudingeki ukusho, iphazamisa abasebenzisi be-iPhone, ikakhulukazi uma idivayisi yabo ilokhu ibacela ukuthi bayibuyekeze kodwa nokho inikeza ukwaziswa okufanayo.
iOS 15 problem - software update fails
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Hlola Idatha Yeselula: Qiniseka ukuthi unoxhumano lwe-inthanethi oluzinzile. Uma ungasebenzisi inethiwekhi ye-Wi-Fi, hamba kuzilungiselelo zedivayisi yakho bese uvula inketho Yedatha Yeselula. Hlola ukutholakala kwamaselula ukuze uqinisekise ukuthi unenethiwekhi ethembekile.
Guqula i-Wi-Fi: Cisha inethiwekhi yakho ye-Wi-Fi ku-Control Center bese uyivula futhi. Futhi, qiniseka ukuthi irutha isebenza kahle ukuze uthole uxhumano olushesha kakhulu.
Qala kabusha i-iPhone: Qala kabusha ifoni yakho ngokucindezela isikhathi eside inkinobho yamandla. Shelelezisa inketho Yamandla bese ulinda ukuthi ifoni yakho ivalwe. Ngemva kwesikhashana, ivule futhi bese uzama ukuyibuyekeza.
Hlola Isimo Sesistimu: Iya ekhasini Lesimo Sesistimu ye-Apple futhi uqiniseke ukuthi isibuyekezo sesofthiwe siyatholakala. Ungaphinda uhlole isimo sezinye izinsiza kusuka lapha.
Buyekeza i-iPhone usebenzisa i-iTunes: Esikhundleni sokuba semoyeni, ungaphinda uzame ukuvuselela idivayisi yakho ngokusebenzisa i-iTunes. Vele uxhume idivayisi, uye ekhasini layo elithi Isifinyezo, bese uchofoza kokuthi “Hlola Isibuyekezo”.

Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungafunda futhi lokhu okuthunyelwe okubanzi ekuxazululeni udaba "lwe- Software Yehlulekile " ngenkathi uthuthukela ku-iOS 15.

1.2 Wanamathela Ekuqinisekiseni Isibuyekezo se-iOS 15

Ngisho nangemva kokudawuniloda ngokuphelele isibuyekezo se-iOS 15, amathuba ukuthi i-iPhone yakho ingamane ibambeke ekuqinisekiseni isibuyekezo se-iOS 15 ngokushesha. Lolu daba lungavela ngenxa yokukhohlakala noma ukulandwa kwesofthiwe okungaphelele, inkinga nge-ID yakho ye-Apple, nanoma iyiphi enye inkinga ehlobene nesofthiwe. Kukhona nezikhathi lapho inkinga ingalungiswa ngokuzenzakalelayo.
Angikabuyekezi isoftware ku-iPhone yami isikhathi eside kakhulu, futhi manje njengoba ekugcineni ngizama ukwenza kanjalo, imane ibambelele ekuqinisekiseni isibuyekezo. Ungikhumbuza EVERYDAY ukuthi ngibuyekeze futhi manje awukwazi ukukuqinisekisa. Woza!
Impendulo esuka ku-Twitter
Qala kabusha isibuyekezo: Indlela engcono kakhulu yokulungisa le nkinga ukuqala kabusha isibuyekezo. Okokuqala, cisha idivayisi yakho ngokucindezela inkinobho yamandla. Ngemva kwalokho, yivule futhi bese uya kokuthi Izilungiselelo > Okuvamile > Isibuyekezo Sesofthiwe ukuze uqale kabusha inqubo yokubuyekeza.
Setha kabusha i-ID ye-Apple: Setha kabusha i-ID yakho ye-Apple ukuze ulungise iphutha lokuqinisekisa elihlobene ne-akhawunti yakho. Vele uye kuzilungiselelo zefoni yakho bese ucindezela ku-ID yakho ye-Apple. Phuma kuyo, linda isikhashana, bese ungena futhi ukuze uxazulule inkinga.
Phoqa ukuqalisa kabusha i-iDevice: Uma usabhekene nephutha elifanayo, zama ukuqalisa kabusha idivayisi yakho ngamandla . Lokhu kuzophula umjikelezo wayo wamanje wamandla futhi kungase kulungise iphutha lokuqinisekisa. Ukuze wenze lokhu, cindezela inkinobho Yamandla + Ekhaya/Ivolumu Ephansi kudivayisi yakho ngesikhathi esifanayo okungenani imizuzwana eyi-10.
Setha kabusha wonke amasethingi: Uma kunenkinga ngezilungiselelo zefoni yakho, ungakhetha ukuzisetha kabusha futhi. Ukuze wenze lokhu, iya kokuthi Izilungiselelo> Okuvamile> Setha kabusha bese ucindezela "Setha kabusha Zonke izilungiselelo". Qinisekisa ukukhetha kwakho ngokunikeza iphasikhodi yocingo lwakho. Ifoni yakho izoqalwa kabusha ngamasethingi amisiwe. Ngemuva kwalokho, zama ukwenza isibuyekezo se-iOS 15 futhi.

1.3 Isikhala esinganele sokulanda kwe-iOS 15

Ukuntuleka kwesikhala samahhala kudivayisi yakho ye-iOS nakho kungamisa isibuyekezo phakathi. Kuzomele ususe izithombe ezingadingekile, amavidiyo, umculo, nezinhlelo zokusebenza kulesi simo. Ngaphambi kokuthi ubuyekeze idivayisi yakho ibe yi-iOS 15, qiniseka ukuthi inesikhala okungenani esingu-5 GB samahhala sokuqedela isibuyekezo se-iOS 15.
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Thola isikhala ezinhlelweni zokusebenza zezinkampani zangaphandle: Uma uthola ukwaziswa kokuntuleka kwesikhala kudivayisi yakho, thepha okuthi “Vumela Ukususwa Kohlelo Lokusebenza”. Lokhu kuzokuvumela ukuthi ukhiphe isitoreji esingafuneki ezinhlelweni zokusebenza zezinkampani zangaphandle futhi kuzokwenza ngokuzenzakalela isikhala esiningi ukuze ukuthuthukiswa kuqedwe.
Phatha isitoreji se-iPhone: Ungakwazi futhi ukuphatha isitoreji ku-iPhone yakho. Iya kokuthi Izilungiselelo Ezijwayelekile ze-iPhone yakho > Isitoreji > Phatha Isitoreji. Lapha, ungabuka ukuthi singakanani isikhala esisetshenziswa izinhlelo zokusebenza ezahlukahlukene nedatha. Kusuka lapha, ungasusa okuqukethwe okungafunwa futhi wenze isikhala esiningi ku-iPhone yakho. Ngemva kwalokho, zama ukubuyekeza idivayisi yakho ibe yi-iOS 15 futhi.

Ngaphandle kwalokho, ungalandela amathiphu amaningi ahlakaniphile ukuze uvule isikhala esiningi ku-iPhone yakho .

1.4 Namathela kusilayidi ukuze uthuthukise isikrini

Ukuthola i-iPhone ibhajwe kusilayidi ngemva kokubuyekezwa cishe kungenye yezimo ezimbi kakhulu kunoma yimuphi umsebenzisi we-iOS. Ikakhulukazi kwenzeka ngenxa yokungasebenzi kahle kwesoftware noma lapho isibuyekezo se-iOS 15 sonakalisiwe.
Unamathele "ku-slide ukuze uthuthukise"... hawu apple, awukhohlisi njengoba iMicrosoft yayinjalo.
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Phoqa uqalise kabusha i-iPhone: Uma unenhlanhla, uzokwazi ukuxazulula le nkinga ngokuqalisa kabusha i-iPhone yakho ngamandla. Qhubeka ucindezela Ikhaya + Amandla noma ukhiye Wevolumu Phansi + Amandla (kuye ngemodeli yedivayisi yakho) ukuze uqalise kabusha idivayisi yakho ngamandla.
Lungisa kumodi yokutakula: Enye indlela yokulungisa le nkinga ngokubeka idivayisi yakho kumodi yokutakula. Okokuqala, udinga ukwazi inhlanganisela efanele key ukubeka iPhone yakho kwimodi yokutakula . Thatha i-iPhone 6 njengesibonelo, vula i-iTunes kukhompyutha yakho, bese uxhuma i-iPhone yakho kuyo ngenkathi ucindezela inkinobho ethi Ikhaya/Ivolumu Phansi. Kamuva, i-iTunes izobona ngokuzenzakalelayo inkinga ngefoni yakho futhi ikucele ukuthi uyibuyisele. Nokho, lokhu kuzosusa idatha ekhona kudivayisi yakho.

Ukubuyisela i-iPhone kumodi yokubuyisela kuzosusa idatha ekhona kudivayisi yakho. Ngakho sicela uqiniseke ukuthi usuvele wenze isipele yonke idatha ku-iPhone yakho kusengaphambili. Ungasebenzisa i-iTunes/iCloud ukwenza isipele idatha ye-iPhone noma i- Dr.Fone - Isipele & Buyisela ukuze wenze isipele i-iPhone yakho ngokuguquguquka nangokukhetha.

1.5 Iseva Yokuvuselela Isofthiwe ye-iOS 15 Ayikwazanga Ukuthintwa

Uma uzama ukuvuselela ifoni yakho nge-iTunes, ungase uthole ukwaziswa Iseva yokubuyekeza isofthiwe ye-iPhone akuxhumekanga Yaziwa nangokuthi Iphutha 1671 ngenxa yekhodi yayo. Kwenzeka uma i-iTunes noma ikhompuyutha yakho inezinkinga zokuxhuma kunethiwekhi, noma amaseva e-Apple egcwele kakhulu. Nazi ezinye izindlela ezisheshayo zokulungisa le nkinga yokufaka i-iOS 15.
iOS 15 problem - server not contacting
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Qala kabusha uhlelo lwe-PC: Esinye sezizathu ezinkulu zokuthi kungani i-iTunes ingakwazi ukuxhumana ne-Apple's Server kungenxa ye-Firewall ye-Window noma i-anti-virus evela eceleni ebingase ivimbe imbobo efanele. Ngakho-ke, kufanele ukhubaze i-anti-virus bese uvala i-Firewall yeWindows. Qala kabusha uhlelo lwakho bese uzama ukufaka isibuyekezo se-iOS 15 futhi.
Buyekeza i-iTunes: Uma usebenzisa inguqulo endala ye-iTunes, ungase futhi uthole lokhu kwaziswa. Ukuze ulungise lokhu, vele uvule i-iTunes, uye kuzilungiselelo zayo, futhi uhlole izibuyekezo. Lokhu kuzokuvumela ukuthi ubuyekeze ngokuzenzakalela inguqulo ye-iTunes oyisebenzisayo. Zama ukuvuselela i-iPhone yakho ku-iOS 15 kamuva.
Zama isibuyekezo se-OTA: Kwesinye isikhathi, abasebenzisi bakuthola kunzima ukubuyekeza ama-iPhones abo abe yi-iOS 15 besebenzisa i-iTunes, noma ngabe bazama kangaki. Njengenye indlela, vele uxhume i-iPhone yakho kunethiwekhi ye-Wi-Fi bese uya kuzilungiselelo zayo ukuze uqale isibuyekezo se-OTA (emoyeni) iOS 15.

Ukuze ufunde kabanzi mayelana nokulungisa Iseva Yokuvuselela Isofthiwe ye-iPhone/iPad Ayikwazanga Ukuthintwa inkinga, ungafunda lo mhlahlandlela obanzi .

1.6 Isibuyekezo se-iOS 15 Asiveli Kuzilungiselelo

Njengoba kumangaza njengoba kungase kuzwakale, ngezinye izikhathi isibuyekezo se-iOS 15 singase singaveli kuzilungiselelo zakho ze-iPhone noma i-iPad. Noma ungathola imilayezo ethi "Ayikwazi Ukuhlolela Isibuyekezo" noma "Kwenzeke iphutha ngesikhathi ubheka isibuyekezo sesofthiwe". Kwezinye izimo, inkinga ilungiswa ngokulinda isikhashana. Noma kunjalo, uma usathola le nkinga yesibuyekezo se-iOS 15, bese ubheka izilungiso ezisheshayo ezilandelayo.
Inketho yesibuyekezo se-iOS ayiveli ngesikhathi sokuthuthukiswa kwe-iOS 15? Ungazama lawa macebiso noma nini: https://bit.ly/2BCHiuj @drfone_toolkit
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Hlola ukuhambisana: Okokuqala, udinga ukuhlola ukuthi idivayisi yakho iyahambisana yini ne-iOS 15 noma cha. Isibonelo, uma une-iPhone 4s, ngeke ukwazi ukuyithuthukela ku-iOS 15 futhi inketho ngeke ivele nakuzilungiselelo zayo. Ngokufanelekile, ama-iPhone 5s namamodeli amasha angabuyekezwa abe yi-iOS 15. Futhi, linda ukukhishwa komphakathi kwe-iOS 15 ukuze ukuthole kuzilungiselelo zakho ze-iPhone.
Qala kabusha idivayisi: Ngezinye izikhathi, indlela elula yokulungisa le nkinga ngokuqalisa kabusha i-iPhone yakho. Uma i-iPhone yakho isiqalisiwe kabusha, izoxhumeka kuseva ye-Apple futhi ingase ibonise inketho yokuvuselela isofthiwe ye-iOS 15.
Ukubuyekezwa okwenziwa ngesandla: Uma kungekho okunye obekuzosebenza, ungacabanga ngokubuyekeza i-iPhone yakho ibe yi-iOS 15 ngesandla. Okokuqala, landa ifayela le-IPSW lenguqulo ezinzile ye-iOS 15 kukhompyutha yakho bese uxhuma i-iPhone yakho kuyo. Iya kuthebhu yayo ethi “Isifinyezo” bese ubamba u-“Shift” (ye-Windows) noma “Inketho” (ye-Mac) kuyilapho uchofoza inkinobho ethi “Buyisela”. Lokhu kuzolayisha iwindi lesiphequluli lapho ungalayisha khona ifayela le-IPSW elilondoloziwe futhi uthuthukise ifoni yakho mathupha.

1.7 Kwenzeke iphutha kufakwa i-iOS 15

Kaningi, iphutha elingalindelekile lingenzeka ngenkathi kufakwa isibuyekezo se-iOS. Ukukhuluma iqiniso, asikho isizathu esiqondile salokhu: ukwehluleka kokuqinisekisa, iphutha lokuhlola isibuyekezo, noma iphutha lokufaka i-iOS 15, njll. Dreadful? Kodwa kufanele uzame izixazululo ezimbalwa ukuze ulilungise.
iOS 15 problem - error installing iOS 15
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Vala futhi uvule inethiwekhi: Indlela elula yokuxazulula le nkinga ngokuzama futhi. Uma uthola ukwaziswa, cindezela inkinobho ethi "Phinda uzame" futhi ubone ukuthi kuyasebenza yini. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungacisha futhi uvule uxhumano lwenethiwekhi bese uzama ukufaka i-iOS 15 kusukela ekuqaleni.
Setha kabusha izilungiselelo zenethiwekhi: Ezimweni eziningi, inkinga ivela ngenxa yokushayisana kwezilungiselelo zenethiwekhi. Ngakho-ke, sincoma ukuthi uvakashele Izilungiselelo ze-iPhone yakho> Okujwayelekile> Setha kabusha futhi Setha kabusha izilungiselelo zenethiwekhi kusuka lapha.
Buyisela idivayisi: Indlela yokugcina yokulungisa le nkinga ngokubuyisela idivayisi yakho. Kufanele wazi ukuthi lokhu kuzosula konke okuqukethwe okugciniwe nezilungiselelo ezilondoloziwe ku-iPhone noma i-iPad yakho. Ukuze ubuyisele idivayisi yakho, hamba kokuthi Izilungiselelo zayo > Okuvamile > Setha kabusha bese ucindezela okuthi “Sula Konke Okuqukethwe Nezilungiselelo”. Qinisekisa ukukhetha kwakho futhi uvumele ifoni yakho iqalwe kabusha ngamasethingi amisiwe. Kamuva, ungazama ukubuyekeza i-iPhone/iPad ku-iOS 15 futhi.
Sebenzisa ithuluzi lesithathu ukulungisa: Uma ufuna ukulungisa lolu daba lwesibuyekezo se-iOS 15 ngaphandle kokulahlekelwa idatha ye-iPhone/iPad, ungasebenzisa ithuluzi lomuntu wesithathu. Isibonelo, i- Dr.Fone - Ukulungisa Uhlelo (i-iOS) ingalungisa zonke izinkinga ezinkulu ezihlobene ne-iOS kanye nalokho ngaphandle kokulahlekelwa idatha. Vele uxhume ifoni yakho kusistimu, uqalise i-Dr.Fone - Ukulungiswa Kwesistimu, bese ulandela imiyalelo elula esesikrinini ukuze kulungiswe kalula.

1.8 Ukulanda kwe-iOS 15 kubambekile

Njengoba usayizi wefayela wesibuyekezo se-iOS 15 mkhulu, angabambeka ngenkathi ulanda.
Ungathola ukuthi inqubekelaphambili yesibuyekezo se-iOS 15 imisiwe isikhathi esingaphezu kwehora ngemva kokuthi uthinte "Landa futhi Faka". Kuyinkinga evamile abantu ababhekana nayo ngenkathi belanda ifayela lesibuyekezo se-iOS 15 noma usebenzisa uxhumano lwe-inthanethi olungathembekile. Nokho, kungase kube nenkinga nge-iPhone yakho kanye ngemuva le nkinga.
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Ukulungiselela okwanele: Okokuqala, qiniseka ukuthi unoxhumano lwe-inthanethi oluzinzile. Futhi, kufanele kube nesikhala esanele samahhala kudivayisi yakho. Uma kungenjalo, ungase uthole ukulanda kwe-iOS 15 nokuvuselelwa kumiswe ngokuphindaphindiwe.
Lindela inguqulo ye-iOS 15 ezinzile: Kuye kwaqashelwa ukuthi abasebenzisi bavame ukubhekana nale nkinga ngenkathi belanda inguqulo yesibuyekezo se-iOS 15. Ungalenzi leli phutha elivamile futhi ulinde ukuthi kukhishwe inguqulo yomphakathi ezinzile ye-iOS 15.
Susa iphrofayili ye-iOS endala: Kungase kube nokungqubuzana nephrofayela ekhona ye-iOS 15 futhi. Lokho kungukuthi uma uzame ukulanda i-iOS 15 ngaphambili futhi ayiphumelelanga, lokho kungaholela ekungqubuzaneni okungalindelekile. Ukuze ulungise lokhu, iya kokuthi Izilungiselelo zefoni yakho > Okuvamile > Iphrofayela, khetha iphrofayela yangaphambilini ye-iOS 15, bese uyisusa mathupha.

Ingxenye 2. iOS 15 Izinkinga: Software Izinkinga ngemva Update

Hhayi nje kuphela ngenkathi bebuyekeza amadivayisi abo ku-iOS 15, kodwa abasebenzisi bangase futhi babhekane nezinkinga ezingalindelekile ngemva kokukhishwa kwesibuyekezo se-iOS 15. Isibonelo, kungase kube nenkinga ngezinye izinhlelo zokusebenza noma ukusebenza kwesistimu ye-iPhone. Sihlukanise izinkinga zangemuva kokubuyekeza ezigabeni ezahlukene ukuze kube lula kuwe.

2.1 Ukuqalisa kwe-iOS 15 Kwehlulekile

Muva nje, abantu abaningi bebekhononda ngenkinga Yehlulekile Yokuqalisa i-iPhone noma i-iPad ngemva kokuthuthukela ku-iOS 15. Imilayezo yephutha evelayo ingase ithi "Ayikwazanga Ukuvula I-iPhone", "Iphutha Lokwenza Kusebenze", noma "asikwazi ukuqhubeka nayo. ukusebenza kwakho ngalesi sikhathi". Ikakhulu, kwenzeka lapho idivayisi yakho ingakwazi ukuxhumana ne-Apple Server. Kungase kube nenkinga ehlobene nesofthiwe engase ivimbe ukusebenza kwedivayisi yakho ye-iOS 15.
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Gwema isikhathi esimatasa seseva ye-Apple: Vele ulinde imizuzu embalwa. Uma amaseva e-Apple ematasatasa, ungalinda bese uzama futhi ukwenza ifoni yakho isebenze. Uma unenhlanhla, ngeke ulithole leli phutha ngemva kwesikhashana.
Qala kabusha i-iPhone: Ukuqalisa kabusha ifoni yakho kungenye inketho engasebenza. Lokhu kuzokwenza ifoni yakho ithinte iziphakeli ze-Apple futhi futhi kungaxazulula iphutha lokuvula.
Qalisa kabusha inethiwekhi ye-Wi-Fi: Uma kunenkinga ehlobene nenethiwekhi, kuzomele uqalise kabusha inethiwekhi ye-Wi-Fi. Qiniseka ukuthi i-SIM yakho ifakwe ngendlela efanele futhi. Thatha iphinikhodi ye-ejector ye-SIM bese ukhipha ithreyi ye-SIM. Ihlanze bese uyibuyisela futhi. Ekugcineni, ungabheka ukuthi iyasebenza noma cha.

Ngaphandle kwalokho, ungakwazi futhi lesi sifundo esijulile: Umhlahlandlela wokulungisa Iphutha Lehlulekile Ukuqalisa kwe-iPhone/iPad .

2.2 iOS 15 Qalisa kabusha Inkinga yeLoop

I-iPhone yakho isanda kuqeda isibuyekezo se-iOS 15, kodwa esikhundleni sokuthi iqale ngendlela evamile, ilokhu iqala kabusha. Nokho, kusho ukuthi idivayisi yakho ibambeke ku-loop yokuqalisa kabusha. Ukuphazamiseka kwesoftware, isibuyekezo se-iOS 15 asihambanga kahle, ukungasebenzi kahle kwebhethri, njll. kungaba ezinye zezizathu zakhona ezinkulu. Kufanele uthathe izinyathelo ezidingekayo ngokushesha ukuze ukulungise ngoba kungalimaza idivayisi yakho.
I-iPhone 7 Plus yami ibambeke ku-loop engapheli yokuqalisa kabusha. Uzame ukuyibuyisela njengezikhathi ezingama-50. Ayikho inhlanhla. Futhi awekho amabha ahlakaniphile eThailand wokuyilungisa.
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Phoqelela ukuqalisa kabusha idivayisi: Enye yezindlela ezingcono kakhulu zokulungisa i-iPhone ebhajwe ku-loop yokuqalisa kabusha iwukuba uqalise kabusha ngamandla i-iPhone yakho. Vele ucindezele isikhathi eside inkinobho Yamandla + Ekhaya ku-iPhone 6 nezinguqulo ezindala noma Amandla + Ivolumu Phansi ku-iPhone 7 nezinguqulo ezintsha. Lokhu kuzoqalisa kabusha idivayisi yakho ngamandla futhi kungase kulungise inkinga.
Yehlisa i-iDevice: Uma kukhona okungalungile ngesibuyekezo se-iOS 15, ungazama ukwehlisa ifoni yakho ibe yinguqulo yangaphambilini ezinzile. Futhi, ungayixhuma ku-iTunes futhi uhlole ukuthi ingabe inguqulo ezinzile ye-iOS iyatholakala (uma kwenzeka ubuyekeze ifoni yakho yaba yinguqulo engazinzile).
Faka i-iPhone kumodi yokutakula: Uma kungekho okunye okubonakala kusebenza, ungafaka futhi idivayisi yakho kumodi yokutakula. Ngenkathi ucindezela inkinobho ethi Ikhaya, yixhume ohlelweni, bese uvula i-iTunes. Izobeka ngokuzenzakalelayo i-iPhone yakho kwimodi yokutakula futhi izokucela ukuthi uyibuyisele.

Ngaphezu kwalokho, ungafunda lo mhlahlandlela onemininingwane: Ungayilungisa kanjani i-iPhone ibhajwe ku-loop yokuqalisa kabusha .

2.3 Amaphutha Ahlukahlukene we-iTunes we-iOS 15

Ngemva kokuxhuma idivayisi yakho ebuyekeziwe ye-iOS 15 ku-iTunes, maningi amathuba okuthi ungathola namaphutha e-iTunes angafuneki. Amanye amaphutha avamile iTunes Iphutha 21, 3004, 13, nokunye. Ngokwesisekelo sephutha le-iTunes, kungase kube nezindlela ezahlukene zokuzilungisa.
iOS 15 - itunes errors
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Qonda amaphutha iTunes: Okokuqala, udinga ukuhlonza uhlobo iTunes iphutha uthola nge iOS yakho 15. Vele uqaphele phansi ikhodi iphutha iTunes ukuqhubeka ukuyihlola. I-Apple iqhamuke nohlu lwamaphutha we-iTunes obuye uwabuke. Ngale ndlela, ungazifundisa ngezimbangela zayo ezivamile kanye nezixazululo ongase ube nazo.
Qinisekisa ukuthi i-iTunes isesikhathini samanje: Uma uzama ukuxhuma idivayisi ye-iOS 15 ngenguqulo yakudala ye-iTunes, ungase ubhekane nezinkinga obungazilindele. Ngaphambi kokuxhuma idivayisi yakho kukhompuyutha yakho, qiniseka ukuthi i-iTunes isesikhathini samanje. Ungaya kumenyu yayo futhi uhlole izibuyekezo. Esikhathini esiningi, i-iTunes ikhumbuza abasebenzisi ngokuzenzakalelayo ukuthi bayibuyekeze.
Khubaza i-anti-virus kanye ne-firewall: Izikhathi eziningi, i-anti-virus yenkampani yangaphandle ingaphazamisa ukusebenza kwe-iTunes futhi ivimbe izimbobo ezifanele. Vele ukhubaze i-anti-virus kanye ne-firewall, qala kabusha uhlelo futhi uhlole ukuthi ngabe usalithola yini iphutha le-iTunes noma cha.
Hlola ikhebula lombani: Qiniseka ukuthi intambo yombani oyisebenzisayo ukuxhuma i-iOS 15 iPhone ohlelweni ithembekile futhi iyasebenza. Ungazama noma iyiphi enye ikhebula noma usebenzise isokhethi ehlukile futhi. Ngaphezu kwalokho, hlanza isokhethi ku-iPhone yakho, bese uzama ukuyixhuma futhi.
Nqamula amadivaysi angaphandle: Uma ikhompuyutha yakho ixhunywe kumadivayisi amaningi angaphandle, kungase kube nokushayisana kwemiyalelo. Susa wonke amanye amadivaysi bese uxhuma iPhone yakho futhi ukuze ubone ukuthi usalithola yini iphutha iTunes.

2.4 Idivayisi ye-iOS 15 Ngeke Ivule

Ngemva nje kokuqeda isibuyekezo se-iOS 15, i-iPhone ingase ingavuli nhlobo. Kulokhu, i-iPhone yakho ingase ivele ibonise kuphela isondo lokuphotha, iqhwa esikrinini esimnyama esinophawu lwe-Apple, noma imane iguqule isikrini esimnyama unomphela. Nakuba kungase kuzwakale kukhungathekisa, lolu daba lwe-iOS 15 luvame kakhulu kunalokho ongakucabanga. Kungase kube nenkinga ngesofthiwe yayo noma ibhethri layo.
iOS 15 problems - iphone cannot turn on
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Hlola umonakalo wehadiwe: Okokuqala, udinga ukuhlola idivayisi yakho ye-iOS 15 ukuze uthole noma yimuphi umonakalo wehadiwe. Hlola ikhebula lombani oyisebenzisayo, isokhethi yokushaja, futhi uma kukhona umonakalo ngocingo noma cha.
Shaja idivayisi: Phakathi nenqubo yokubuyekeza i-iOS 15, idivayisi idinga amashaji amaningi. Ngakho-ke, i-iPhone yakho ingacishwa ngenxa yebhethri ephansi. Ishaje isikhashana bese uzama ukuqala idivayisi yakho futhi.
Phoqa ukuqalisa kabusha idivayisi yakho: Enye indlela yokulungisa le nkinga ukuphoqelela ukuqala kabusha idivayisi yakho. Kungenzeka ukuthi usuyazi kakade inhlanganisela yokhiye ye-iPhone 6s nezizukulwane ezindala (Ikhaya + Amandla) kanye ne-iPhone 7/7s (Amandla + Ivolumu Phansi). Uma une-iPhone X, qala ngokucindezela inkinobho ye-Volume Up ngokushesha. Ngemuva kwalokho, cindezela ngokushesha inkinobho ye-Volume Down. Uma usuyikhululile, bamba bese ucindezela inkinobho yamandla.

2.5 iOS 15 Ayikwazi Ukushaya Noma Ukwamukela Izingcingo

Bambalwa abantu abakwazi ukushaya noma ukwamukela izingcingo ngemuva nje kokuvuselelwa kwe-iOS 15. Bavele babone ukwaziswa kokuthi "ikholi iphelile" noma "ikholi yehlulekile" lapho beqalisa ikholi, noma abakwazi ukwamukela amakholi avela kwabanye. Khona-ke kufanele ukhathazeke uma uhlangabezana okufanayo. Nakuba inkinga ingaxhunyaniswa nenethiwekhi yakho, amathuba okuthi kungase kube nenkinga ehlobene nesofthiwe nayo. Nazi ezinye izindlela ezilula zokuyilungisa.
iOS 15 problems - iphone call failure
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Qinisekisa ukumbozwa kwenethiwekhi okufanele: Okokuqala, hlola ukuthi idivayisi yakho ye-iOS 15 ikwinethiwekhi efanele yini noma cha. Hlola amasignali atholakala ekhoneni eliphezulu kwesokunxele kwesikrini. Uma usendlini engaphansi noma ngaphandle ehlathini, kungenzeka ukuthi awutholi ukufakwa kwenethiwekhi okwanele ku-iPhone/iPad yakho. Akudingekile ukusho, ngaphandle kwesignali yenethiwekhi, awukwazi ukushaya noma ukwamukela amakholi.
Vula futhi uvale Imodi Yendiza: Enye yezindlela ezilula zokulungisa lokhu ukuvula nokuvala Imodi Yendiza ku-iOS 15 yakho. Ungakwenza lokhu ngokuvakashela Isikhungo Sokulawula ocingweni lwakho noma Izilungiselelo zayo. Vula Imodi Yendiza, linda isikhashana, bese uyivala futhi. Ngokunokwenzeka, iqhinga lizokuvumela ukuthi uphinde uthole inethiwekhi ocingweni lwakho.
Faka kabusha i-SIM: Uma ucabanga ukuthi kunenkinga nge-SIM yakho, ungaphinda uyifake ku-iPhone yakho ebuyekeziwe ye-iOS 15. Ukuze wenze lokhu, udinga ukuthatha usizo lwethuluzi le-SIM ejector.
Hlola izibuyekezo zenkampani yenethiwekhi: Nakuba izibuyekezo zenkampani yenethiwekhi ngokuvamile ziphushwa ngokuzenzakalelayo, ngezinye izikhathi kudingeka sikwenzele thina ngokwethu. Iya kokuthi Izilungiselelo Ezivamile zefoni yakho > Mayelana > Inkampani yenethiwekhi. Thepha kuyo bese ubheka ukuthi isibuyekezo esisha se-iOS 15 siyatholakala. Uma usulande isibuyekezo se-iOS 15, qala kabusha ifoni yakho, futhi uhlole ukuthi inkinga ixazululiwe noma cha.
Setha kabusha izilungiselelo zenethiwekhi: Okokugcina, ungakwazi ukumane usethe kabusha izilungiselelo zenethiwekhi ku-iOS 15. Ukuze wenze lokhu, iya kokuthi Izilungiselelo zayo > Okujwayelekile > Setha kabusha bese ucindezela "Setha Kabusha Izilungiselelo Zenethiwekhi". Ngemva kwalokho, ifoni yakho izoqalwa kabusha ngezilungiselelo zenethiwekhi ezimisiwe.

Ngosizo olwengeziwe, bheka lo mhlahlandlela ophelele wokulungisa izinkinga zokufona kwe-iPhone ngemuva kwesibuyekezo se-iOS 15.

2.6 Imodi Yokubuyisela, Ilogo ye-Apple, Izinkinga Zezitini ze-iPhone ku-iOS 15

Ukwenza i-iPhone ibhajwe kulogo ye-Apple, ukuba nedivayisi engaphenduli, noma ukubambeka kumodi yokutakula ezinye zezimo ezingafuneki kakhulu kunoma yimuphi umsebenzisi we-iOS 15. Ngokudabukisayo, ngemuva kokuvuselelwa kwe-iOS 15, kungenzeka ukuthi ifoni yakho ingafakwa izitini. Kwenzeka kakhulu lapho isibuyekezo singahambi kahle futhi kuphazamisa ukusebenza kwedivayisi.
iOS 15 problem - iphone bricking
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Phoqelela ukuqalisa kabusha i-iPhone yakho: Okokuqala, zama ukuphoqelela ukuqalisa kabusha i-iPhone yakho ngokusebenzisa izinhlanganisela zokhiye ezifanele. Uma unenhlanhla, izolungisa i-iOS 15 yakho entsha futhi izoyiqala kabusha ngemodi evamile.
Buyisela idivayisi: Uma usuvele uthathe isipele sedatha yakho ngaphambi kokubuyekeza i-iPhone yakho ku-iOS 15, ungakwazi ukubuyisela idivayisi futhi. Ukuze wenze lokhu, vele uyixhume kukhompyutha yakho bese uvula i-iTunes. Iya kuthebhu yayo "Isifinyezo" bese uchofoza inkinobho ethi "Buyisela i-iPhone". Landela imiyalo esesikrinini ukuze usethe kabusha i-iPhone yakho.
Lungisa imodi yokutakula: Ungakwazi futhi ukubeka i-iPhone yakho kumodi yokutakula, uyixhume ku-iTunes, futhi ubuyisele uhlelo lwe-iOS 15 ngokuphelele.
Lungisa kumodi ye-DFU: Uma kungenzeka, zama ukufaka i-iPhone yakho kumodi ye-DFU (Isibuyekezo Se-Firmware Yedivayisi). Inhlanganisela yokhiye ihlukile kumadivayisi ahlukahlukene. Uma usukwazi ukubeka iPhone yakho kwimodi DFU, ungakwazi ukuyixhuma iTunes. Izobona ngokuzenzakalelayo ukuthi ifoni yakho ikumodi ye-DFU futhi izoyibuyisela ngokuphelele. Nakuba izosusa idatha yayo kanye nezilungiselelo ezilondoloziwe, ingase ikhiphe isitina kudivayisi yakho ye-iOS.
Lungisa ngethuluzi lokulungisa le-iOS 15: Uma ungafuni ukulahlekelwa idatha yakho ukuze ulungise i-iPhone enezitini, ungasebenzisa isixazululo esithembekile esivela eceleni njenge- Dr.Fone - System Repair (iOS) futhi.

2.7 iOS 15 Yehlisa Phansi/Laggy/Ukubanda

Nakuba i-iOS 15 kufanele yenze ifoni yakho isheshe, maningi amathuba okuthi ingase ibuyisele emuva. Abanye abasebenzisi babike ukuthi amadivayisi abo e-iOS 15 ayaba yiqhwa imizuzu embalwa, aphinde asebenze ngemuva kwesikhashana, kodwa aphinde angasabeli. Kungaba nezizathu eziningi zale nkinga. Uma i-iPhone noma i-iPad yakho isalibele noma ibanda ngemva kokuvuselelwa kwe-iOS 15, khona-ke sincoma ukulungisa okusheshayo ngezansi.
iOS 15 iphone freezing
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Susa idatha engadingeki: Uma i-iOS 15 isebenzisa isitoreji esiphansi, khona-ke amathuba okuthi ingase ihambe kancane ngokuzenzakalelayo. Ngakho-ke, ungasusa noma yiluphi uhlelo lokusebenza olungasasetshenziswa. Futhi, ungasusa izithombe, amavidiyo, namanye amafayela edatha kudivayisi yakho ongasawadingi.
Vala izinhlelo zokusebenza: Esinye isizathu sokusalela kwe-iOS 15 kungaba ukucutshungulwa kwezinhlelo zokusebenza eziningi kakhulu. Ngamadivaysi ngaphandle kwe-iPhone X/XS (Max)/XR, ungavakashela Isishintshi Sohlelo Lokusebenza ngokuthepha kabili inkinobho yasekhaya. Kamuva, ungaswayiphela phezulu izinhlelo zokusebenza ofisa ukuzivala. Uma une-iPhone X/XS (Max)/XR, bese uya esikrinini sasekhaya, swayiphela phezulu, bese ulinda. Manje, swayiphela phezulu uhlelo lokusebenza ofisa ukulivala.
Vala Ukuvuselela Ingemuva Lohlelo Lokusebenza: Ezinye izinhlelo zokusebenza nazo zivunyelwe ukuvuselelwa ngokuzenzakalela ngemuva. Ukuze ulondoloze ukucutshungulwa ku-iOS 15, udinga ukuvala le nketho. Vele uye kuzilungiselelo zedivayisi yakho bese uvala isici sokuvuselela i-Background App.
Khubaza izinsiza: Ngaphandle kwalokho, ungaphinda uvale ezinye izinsiza kudivayisi yakho ye-iOS 15 njengendawo, i-Bluetooth, i-AirDrop, i-Wi-Fi, njalo njalo.
Qala kabusha idivayisi: Futhi, qala kabusha i-iOS yakho bese uhlole ukuthi iyasishintsha yini isivinini sayo sokucubungula noma cha.

2.8 iOS 15 Ukuqoshwa Kwesikrini Akusebenzi

Ngokukhululwa kwe-iOS 11, i-Apple ifake isici sokuqoshwa kwesikrini, esaziswa kakhulu abasebenzisi bayo. Isici siphinde safakwa ku-iOS 15, kodwa abanye abasebenzisi abakwazi ukusisebenzisa ngokugcwele. Bahlupheka kakhulu lapho ukuqoshwa kwesikrini kwe-iOS 15 kungasebenzi nhlobo, amavidiyo aqoshiwe awakwazi ukulondolozwa noma angabi namsindo, noma amafayela okurekhoda wonakalisiwe. Nawa amanye amaqhinga okulungisa inkinga yokurekhodwa kwesikrini kungasebenzi.
iOS 15 update error - screen recording failed
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Vula Ukuqopha Isikrini futhi: Qiniseka ukuthi uvule isici Sokurekhoda Isikrini ku-iOS 15. Ungasithola Esikhungweni Sokulawula se-iPhone yakho. Uma ufuna, ungaya kokuthi Izilungiselelo Zesikhungo Sokulawula bese wengeza isinqamuleli saso nalapho. Uma ukuqoshwa kwesikrini sekuqalisiwe, uzokwaziswa.
Vula imakrofoni: Kwesinye isikhathi, ukuqoshwa kwesikrini kuvele kufaka phakathi okubonakalayo okungenamsindo. Lokhu kwenzeka uma imakrofoni ivaliwe ngumsebenzisi. Uma ukurekhoda kwenzeka, vele uchofoze isithonjana semakrofoni futhi uqiniseke ukuthi akusethiwe kumodi "yethulisa".
Setha kabusha izilungiselelo zedivayisi: Kungase kube nenkinga ngezilungiselelo zakho ze-iOS 15 okungenzeka ukuthi zibangele le nkinga. Ukuze ulungise lokhu, iya kokuthi Izilungiselelo zayo > Okujwayelekile > Setha Kabusha, futhi Setha Kabusha Zonke Izilungiselelo ku-iPhone noma i-iPad yakho.
Sebenzisa irekhoda yesikrini yenkampani yangaphandle: Uma ungakakwazi ukulungisa le nkinga ye-iOS 15, ungacabanga nokusebenzisa isiqopha-skrini somuntu wangaphandle. Kukhona ongakhetha eziningi iPhone screen rekhoda ongazisebenzisa.

2.9 Idivayisi ye-iOS 15 Ayikwazanga Ukubuyiswa

Izikhathi eziningi, abasebenzisi bafisa ukubuyisela amadivayisi wabo we-iOS ukulungisa izinkinga ezihlukahlukene ezihlobene ne-iOS 15update. Noma kunjalo, uma kunenkinga esobala nge-iPhone yakho, ungase ungakwazi ukuyibuyisela. Njengophawu, imilayezo efana nethi "iPhone ayikwazanga ukubuyiselwa", "Idivayisi ayitholakali", noma "Kwenzeke iphutha elingaziwa" vela. Izindaba ezinhle ukuthi kunezixazululo ezimbalwa ezingakusiza ukuthi ulungise le nkinga ye-iOS 15.
iOS 15 error - idevice cannot restore
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Sebenzisa i-iTunes: Uma ungakwazi ukubuyisela i-iOS 15 ngendlela evamile, thatha usizo lwe-iTunes. Okusho ukuthi, xhuma ifoni yakho ohlelweni, uvule i-iTunes, bese uya kuthebhu yayo yesifinyezo. Kusuka lapha, uzothola inketho yokubuyisela i-iPhone yakho noma i-iTunes.
Buyekeza i-iTunes: Uma usathola iphutha ngenkathi ubuyisela i-iOS 15 nge-iTunes, kufanele ucabangele ukubuyekeza inguqulo ye-iTunes oyisebenzisayo.
Buyisela kumodi yokutakula: Enye indlela yokubuyisela i-iOS 15 ngokubeka i-iPhone yakho kumodi yokutakula. Yethula i-iTunes ohlelweni bese uxhuma ifoni yakho kuyo ngenkathi ucindezela inkinobho ethi Ikhaya noma Yevolumu Phansi. Uma kuyi-iPhone X/XS (Max)/XR, kuzomele uqale ucindezele ngokushesha inkinobho ye-Volume Up bese inkinobho ye-Volume Down. Ekugcineni, qhubeka ucindezela inkinobho eseceleni uze ubone uphawu lwe-iTunes esikrinini.
Qalisa idivayisi kwimodi ye-DFU: Uma kungekho okunye okubonakala kusebenza, cabanga ukubeka ifoni yakho kumodi ye-DFU. Kunezinhlanganisela zokhiye ezihlukile zalokhu, ezingancika kakhulu ohlotsheni lwedivayisi onayo. Yize ingase isuse idatha ekhona kudivayisi ye-iOS 15, imiphumela iningi layo mihle. Kungenjalo, zama ukuqalisa i-iOS 15 kumodi ye-DFU ngaphandle kokulahlekelwa idatha .

2.10 Idatha Ilahlekile ngemva kokuvuselelwa kwe-iOS 15

Kungase kube nezizathu ezihlukene zokulahlekelwa idatha yakho ngemva kokubuyekezwa kwe-iOS 15. Kaningi, lapho ukubuyekezwa kumisiwe, abasebenzisi bahlangabezana nokulahleka kwedatha okungalindelekile.
Amathuba ukuthi idatha yakho isazoba khona kudivayisi yakho ye-iOS, kodwa awukwazi ukuyifinyelela. Ungakwazi njalo ukubuyisela isipele sangaphambilini ku-iPhone yakho noma usebenzise ithuluzi elizinikele lokutakula idatha futhi.
data lost after iOS 15 update
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Qala kabusha idivayisi yakho: Uma idatha ingafinyeleleki, ungakwazi ukuyilungisa ngokuvele uqale kabusha ifoni. Nokho, akufanele ukwenze izikhathi eziningi njengoba kungenza i-iOS 15 yokutholwa kwedatha ibe nzima. Vele uqale kabusha idivayisi yakho kanye futhi ubone ukuthi okuqukethwe okususiwe kuyavela noma cha.
Buyisela ikhophi yasenqolobaneni ye-iTunes : Kuhlale kunconywa ukuthatha ikhophi yasenqolobaneni yedatha yethu ngaphambi kokuthuthukela ku-iOS 15. Uma ususithathile kakade isipele sedivayisi yakho nge-iTunes, sebenzisa i-iTunes ukuyibuyisela. Vele uvule i-iTunes ohlelweni lwakho bese uxhuma ifoni yakho kuyo. Iya kuthebhu yayo yesifinyezo bese uchofoza "Buyisela Isipele". Kusuka lapha, ungakhetha ifayela eliyisipele ofisa ukulibuyisela kudivayisi yakho ye-iOS.
Buyisela iCloud isipele : Ngaphandle kokuthatha isipele kukhompyutha yendawo, abanye abasebenzisi futhi isipele ifoni yabo ku-iCloud kanye. Ukuze ubuyisele idatha kusuka kusipele se-iCloud, udinga ukusetha i-iOS 15 kuqala. Yenza ukulungiselelwa kwefekthri ukuze uthole le nketho. Manje, khetha "Buyisela kusukela ICLOUD isipele" bese ungena-ku-akhawunti yakho iCloud. Khetha isipele esifanele se-iCloud bese ulinda isikhashana njengoba ifoni yakho izoyilayisha.
Sebenzisa ithuluzi lokutakula: Uma kwenzeka ungazange uthathe isipele sedivayisi yakho ngaphambilini, uzodinga ukusebenzisa ithuluzi lokubuyisela idatha. Kuyo yonke isofthiwe yokutakula idatha, sincoma i- Dr.Fone - Data Recovery (I-iPhone Data Recovery) . Ukuba ngelinye lamathuluzi okuqala okuthola idatha kumadivayisi we-iOS, kuzokuvumela ukuthi ubuyise okuqukethwe okulahlekile nokususiwe ocingweni lwakho ngaphandle kwenkinga.

Ingxenye 3. iOS 15 Izinkinga: App Izinkinga ngemva Update

Ngaphandle kokusebenza okuphelele kwedivayisi yakho ye-iOS ngemuva kokuvuselelwa kwe-iOS 15, kungase kube nenkinga ngezinye izici zayo. Uhlelo lokusebenza noma isici esiyinhloko sedivayisi yakho singase sibonakale singasebenzi kahle. Nazi ezinye izindaba ezijwayelekile zohlelo lokusebenza lwe-iOS 15 nokuthi ungazixazulula kanjani.

3.1 iOS 15 Safari Breaking Down

I-Safari isiphequluli somdabu samadivayisi we-iOS futhi isisiza ukuthi sifinyelele i-inthanethi. Nakuba, ngemva kokuvuselelwa kwe-iOS 15, ungase ubhekane nezinkinga ezithile ngayo, njengokuphahlazeka kweSafari, nokubanda kwekhasi lewebhu, ukwehluleka kokulayisha, noma ukungaphenduli. Ngokujabulisayo, kukhona izilungiso ezilula zalolu daba lwe-iOS 15.
Ayikwazi ukusesha ukuthi kungani iSafari iqhubeka nokuphahlazeka ngoba iSafari ilokhu iphahlazeka. Ubambeke endaweni yokuphazamiseka okuncane. Kuzodlula.
Impendulo esuka ku-Twitter
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Vala Iziphakamiso ze-Safari: Esinye sezizathu ezinkulu zokuphahlazeka kwe-app ye-Safari isici esithi "Iziphakamiso ze-Safari", esiphakamisa umsebenzisi mayelana nezindaba, isimo sezulu, nokunye. Ungaya kokuthi Izilungiselelo> I-Safari ku-iOS 15 bese uvala isici esithi “Iziphakamiso ze-Safari”. Ngemuva kwalokho, zama ukulayisha uhlelo lokusebenza futhi ku-iOS 15 yakho.
Sula idatha yomlando: Uma kunedatha yenqolobane newebhusayithi kuSafari, ingaphazamisa ukucubungula kwayo. Ukuze uxazulule lokhu, iya kuzilungiselelo ze-Safari ku-iOS 15 bese ucindezela okuthi “Sula Umlando Nedatha Yewebhusayithi”. Qinisekisa ukukhetha kwakho ukusula yonke idatha yenqolobane ku-iPhone yakho.
Vala futhi uqalise uhlelo lokusebenza: Kwesinye isikhathi, isisombululo esilula singalungisa inkinga enkulu ngohlelo lokusebenza. Ngaphambi kokuthatha noma yisiphi isinyathelo esinqala, zama ukuvala uhlelo lokusebenza unaphakade. Iya kusishintshi sohlelo lokusebenza ku-iOS 15 bese uswayiphela phezulu uhlelo lokusebenza ukuze uluvale. Linda isikhashana bese uyethula futhi.
Vala imikhawulo ye-Safari: Ngaphezu kwalokho, uma usebenzise noma yimuphi umkhawulo kuhlelo lokusebenza lwe-Safari, lapho-ke ingase ingasebenzi kudivayisi yakho ye-iOS 15. Iya kokuthi Izilungiselelo > Okuvamile > Imikhawulo bese uthayipha iphasikhodi yemikhawulo. Ngemva kokufaka izilungiselelo zayo, udinga ukuvala mathupha noma yikuphi ukuvinjelwa ohlelweni lokusebenza lwe-iOS 15 Safari.

Nazi ezinye izindlela zokulungisa ukuphahlazeka okuqhubekayo kohlelo lokusebenza lwe-Safari ngemuva kokuvuselelwa kwe-iOS 15.

3.2 Izinkinga ze-Apple Music ku-iOS 15

Nonke nijabule ngesibuyekezo se-iOS 15, kodwa kungazelelwe, niyabona ukuthi awukwazi ukungena, ukuvumelanisa, ukulanda, noma ukudlala umculo ku-iPhone yakho, noma uhlangane "nekhodi yephutha engalindelekile 4010". Ungakhathazeki – akuwena wedwa njengoba inkinga ivame kakhulu. Nazi ezinye izindlela ezilula zokulungisa lokhu.
music problem in iOS 15 update
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Qala kabusha uhlelo lokusebenza: Okokuqala, zama ukuqalisa kabusha uhlelo lokusebenza. Ukwenza lokhu, vele uvule i-App Switcher kudivayisi yakho ye-iOS 15 bese uswayiphela phezulu uhlelo lokusebenza lomculo ukuze uluvale. Uma seluqedile, vula uhlelo lokusebenza futhi.
Ngena ngemvume futhi nge-ID yakho ye-Apple: Kungase kube nenkinga nge-ID yakho ye-Apple futhi. Iya kokuthi Izilungiselelo kusukela ku-iOS 15, buka i-ID yakho ye-Apple, bese uphuma ngemvume. Linda isikhashana bese usayina emuva kukho.
Yeka imodi ethule: Hlola ukuthi ngabe uyifakile yini idivayisi yakho ye-iOS 15 kumodi ethule noma cha. Ungaphinda uye kuzilungiselelo ezisheshayo futhi uvule i-iPhone yakho. Kungenziwa futhi kusukela kunkinobho yokuthulisa/susa ukuthula.
Vala Ilabhulali Yomculo ye-iCloud: Uma kunenkinga ngelabhulali yakho yomculo, ngena kokuthi Izilungiselelo > Umculo kudivayisi yakho ye-iOS 15 ukuze uvale inketho "ye-iCloud Music Library". Ngemva kokulinda isikhashana, yibuyisele futhi bese uzama ukudlala izingoma ezisuka kulabhulali yakho yomculo.
Hlola ukuphelelwa yisikhathi kokubhalisa: Okubaluleke kakhulu, hamba kuzilungiselelo zakho ze-Apple Music futhi uqiniseke ukuthi ukubhalisa kwakho akukaphelelwa yisikhathi. Ungathuthukisa uhlelo lwakho kusukela lapha futhi uhlole ukufaneleka kwalo.

3.3 iOS 15 Izinkinga Zemeyili

Sonke sisebenzisa ama-iPhones ethu ukufinyelela ama-imeyili usohambeni. Izinkinga ngohlelo lokusebenza lwe-Mail ku-iPhone zingathinta ngokuqondile umsebenzi wethu. Isibonelo, ama-imeyili awakwazi ukuthunyelwa noma ukutholwa, iphasikhodi ye-imeyili ibikwa ngokungalungile, futhi ikhasi elingenalutho liyavela ngemva kokwethulwa kohlelo lokusebenza Lwemeyili. Uma futhi ubhekene nezinkinga zemeyili ezifanayo ngemva kokuvuselelwa kwe-iOS 15, bese ucabangela iziphakamiso zokulungisa ezingezansi.
mail problems of iOS 15 update
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Setha kabusha i-akhawunti: Indlela engcono kakhulu yokulungisa le nkinga ngokusetha kabusha i-akhawunti yakho ye-iOS 15 Mail. Ukuze wenze lokhu, iya kuzilungiselelo ze-Imeyili ku-iPhone yakho bese ukhetha i-akhawunti ofisa ukuyisetha kabusha. Susa i-akhawunti bese ulinda isikhashana. Ngemva kwalokho, engeza i-akhawunti futhi. Ungafunda ukusetha kabusha iCloud mail kanye.
Hlola izilungiselelo zemeyili: Uma ungeza i-akhawunti yokuposa entsha kudivayisi yakho ye-iOS 15, qiniseka ukuthi ufake inombolo yembobo yeseva nezinye izifakazelo ngendlela efanele. Futhi, nika amandla iphrothokholi ye-SSL ukuze ungeze isendlalelo esengeziwe sokuvikela kumeyili yakho.
Hlola imikhawulo kudatha Yeselula: Uma ufinyelela uhlelo lokusebenza Lwemeyili ngedatha yakho yeselula (hhayi i-Wi-Fi), bese uya kokuthi Izilungiselelo Zeselula kusukela kudivayisi yakho ye-iOS 15 futhi uqiniseke ukuthi ulunike amandla uhlelo lokusebenza Lwemeyili ukuthi luyifinyelele. Kwesinye isikhathi, amadivayisi we-iOS awavumeli uhlelo lokusebenza Lwemeyili ukuthi lufinyelele idatha yeselula ukuze lulondoloze ukusetshenziswa kwalo.
Nika amandla isevisi "Push": Njengoba wazi, izinsiza zokuposa zingasebenza kuphrothokholi ye-Push noma i-Push. Iningi lezinsizakalo zesimanje zisebenzisa iphrothokholi ethi "Push" ukuze uthole isaziso esizenzakalelayo. Ungaya kokuthi Izilungiselelo Zemeyili > Landa Idatha entsha ku-iOS 15 futhi uqiniseke ukuthi isevisi ezenzakalelayo ithi “Push” hhayi “Donsa”.
Vumela uhlelo lokusebenza Lwemeyili ukuthi luqalise kabusha: Enye indlela yokuqinisekisa ukuthi uhlelo lokusebenza Lwemeyili lingazivuselela iwukuvakashela Izilungiselelo > Okuvamile > Ukuvuselelwa Kohlelo Lokusebenza Okungemuva ku-iOS 15. Ivule futhi uqinisekise ukuthi uhlelo lokusebenza lwe-iOS 15 Mail luyakwazi ukuvuselela ngemuva ngokuzenzakalelayo. futhi.

3.4 iOS 15 Facebook Messenger Izinkinga

I-Facebook Messenger isetshenziswa izigidi zabantu njengoba isisiza ukuthi sixhumane nabangane bethu kalula. Nakuba, ngemva kokuvuselelwa kwe-iOS 15, ungase ubhekane nezinkinga ezithile: ngeke ibonise, ilethe, noma yamukele imicu yemiyalezo. Noma lonke uhlelo lokusebenza lwe-Facebook Messenger luvele luphahlazeke futhi alusakwazi ukuvuleka. Vele uzipholele. Zama izixazululo ezilula ngezansi ukuze ulungise lezi zinkinga ze-iOS 15.
facebook messenger problem of iOS 15 update
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Vala futhi uqalise i-Facebook Messenger: Okokuqala, zama ukuvala uhlelo lokusebenza unomphela ku-iOS 15. Vakashela isishintshi sohlelo lokusebenza bese uswayiphela phezulu uhlelo lokusebenza ukuze uluvale.
Shintsha izilungiselelo zohlelo lokusebenza: Uma kunenkinga ngohlelo lokusebenza ngokwalo (njengemisindo yesaziso), vakashela izilungiselelo zohlelo lokusebenza kudivayisi yakho ye-iOS 15. Kusuka lapha ungavumela umsindo wesaziso futhi ulungise nezinye izilungiselelo.
Buyekeza i-Facebook Messenger: Uma ungakaluvuseleli uhlelo lokusebenza isikhathi eside, lungahle lungasebenzi kahle ngesibuyekezo se-iOS 15. Ukuze wenze lokhu, vakashela i-App Store futhi ubuke lonke uhlelo lokusebenza olufakiwe. Thepha inkinobho ethi "Buyekeza" eseduze nohlelo Lwesilayezi.
Faka kabusha i-Facebook Messenger: Ungakwazi futhi ukufaka uhlelo lokusebenza ku-iOS 15 futhi. Okokuqala, susa uhlelo lokusebenza ku-iPhone yakho bese ulinda isikhashana. Ngemuva kwalokho, iya ku-App Store, bheka i-Facebook Messenger, bese uyifake futhi ku-iOS 15.

3.5 Uhlelo Lokusebenza Idinga Ukubuyekezwa Inkinga ku-iOS 15

Uma ubuyekeze i-iPhone yakho ku-iOS 15 maduze nje, ungayithola le nkinga. Lokhu kuvame ukwenzeka lapho unjiniyela wohlelo lokusebenza engakakhiphi inguqulo entsha ye-iOS 15, kodwa umsebenzisi uthuthukise i-iPhone yakhe yaba yi-iOS 15 ngaphambili. Kulesi simo, ungase uthole ukwaziswa okufana nalokhu.
app update error of iOS 15
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Lindela inguqulo entsha: Indlela engcono kakhulu yokunqoba le nkinga ukulinda. Cishe, umthuthukisi wohlelo lokusebenza uzokhipha isibuyekezo esisha, esisekela i-iOS 15. Vele uye ku-App Store bese uhlola ukuthi isibuyekezo esisha siyatholakala yini. Ngale ndlela, ungabuyekeza uhlelo lokusebenza futhi uhlole ukuthi luyayisekela yini i-iOS 15 noma cha. Indlela engcono kakhulu ukuvakashela i-App Store futhi ubuyekeze zonke izinhlelo zokusebenza ngesikhathi esisodwa.
Faka uhlelo lokusebenza futhi: Ungakwazi futhi ukususa ngokwenza uhlelo lokusebenza olungasebenzi kahle ku-iOS 15. Hamba ku-App Store bese ulufaka futhi uhlelo lokusebenza. Yethula uhlelo lokusebenza olusanda kufakwa bese ungena ngemvume ngemininingwane ye-akhawunti yakho.
Hlola Ukuhambisana Kohlelo Lokusebenza: Iya kokuthi Izilungiselelo Zohlelo lokusebenza ku-iOS 15 bese uvakashela isigaba esithi “Ukuhambisana Nohlelo Lokusebenza”. I-iPhone yakho izofaka ohlwini zonke izinhlelo zokusebenza ngaphandle kwezibuyekezo ezitholakalayo. Kungase kube nezinhlelo zokusebenza ezisekelwe ku-32-bit lapha futhi. Ungabheka ezinye izindlela zalezi zinhlelo zokusebenza noma uxhumane nonjiniyela wohlelo lokusebenza ukuze ukhulule isibuyekezo sakhe esisha.

3.6 iOS 15 iMessage Ayisebenzi

Ukuvuselelwa kwe-iOS 15 kungase kube iphupho elibi kwabanye abasebenzisi be-iMessage. Bathola imibhalo engathunyelwanga noma engalethiwe, i-emoji ingasebenzi, amagama othintana naye awekho, noma kuvela ukwaziswa kokususwa kwengxoxo. Akudingekile ukusho, lapho i-iMessage ingasebenzi kahle, cishe wonke umsebenzisi we-iOS ukuthola kunzima ukuxhumana naye. Izindaba ezinhle ukuthi kaningi inkinga ye-iMessage engasebenzi ngemuva kokuvuselelwa kwe-iOS 15 ingalungiswa kalula.
iOS 15 problem - imessage problem
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Setha kabusha i-iMessage: Indlela elula yokulungisa noma iyiphi inkinga nge-iOS 15 iMessage iwukusetha kabusha. Vele uye kokuthi Izilungiselelo zakho > Imilayezo bese uvala inketho "ye-iMessage". Ngemva kwesikhashana, yishintshele futhi futhi uhlole ukuthi iyayixazulula yini inkinga.
Qinisekisa izilungiselelo ezilungile ze-iMessage: Uma kukhona inkinga ngemininingwane oyinikeze ku-iMessage, ingase ingasebenzi kahle. Vele uye kuzilungiselelo ze-iMessage kudivayisi ye-iOS 15 futhi uhlole inombolo yakho yocingo kanye ne-ID ye-imeyili. Ungakwazi ukuhlela le mininingwane kusukela lapha futhi.
Engeza enye i-ID ye-imeyili: Uma ucabanga ukuthi kunenkinga ngemininingwane yangaphambilini, ungakwazi ukwengeza enye i-ID ye-imeyili ku-iOS 15. Ukuze wenze lokhu, iya kokuthi Izilungiselelo > Imilayezo > Thumela & Yamukela. Thepha okuthi “Engeza Enye I-imeyili” bese ufaka mathupha imininingwane ye-ID ye-imeyili entsha.
Vala "Yehlisa Ukunyakaza": Izikhathi eziningi kakhulu, imiphumela ye-iMessage ibonakala ingasebenzi. Kulokhu, iya kokuthi Izilungiselelo > Okuvamile > Ukufinyeleleka ku-iOS 15. Qiniseka ukuthi inketho ethi “Nciphisa Ukunyakaza” ivaliwe.
Gwema ukungqubuzana kwesikhathi: Kungase kube nokungqubuzana nosuku nesikhathi ku-iOS 15 yakho. Le nkinga ingaxazululwa kalula ngokuvakashela Izilungiselelo ze-iPhone yakho > Okuvamile > Idethi nesikhathi. Manje, vula inketho ethi “Setha Ngokuzenzakalelayo” futhi uqiniseke ukuthi izoni yesikhathi efakwe lapha ilungile.

3.7 iOS 15 App Store Siphansi

Ngaphandle kwezinye izindaba ze-iOS 15, abasebenzisi abaningi bavame ukuthola izigelekeqe "azikwazi ukuxhuma ku-App Store", bathole isikrini se-App Store singenalutho, noma bahluleke ukubuka izinhlelo zokusebenza kuso. Nakhu ongakwenza uma uhlangabezana nezinkinga ze-App Store ku-iPhone/iPad yakho.
iOS 15 problem - app store problem
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Hlola isimo se-App Store: Ngaphambi kokuthatha noma yisiphi isinyathelo esinqala, qiniseka ukuthi i-App Store iyasebenza noma cha ku-iOS 15. Iya ekhasini Lesimo Sesistimu ye-Apple bese uhlola ukuthi i-App Store iphansi noma ihlelelwe noma yikuphi ukulungiswa.
Hlola ukufinyelela kwedatha: Hlola ukuthi ingabe inkinga ikhona ngedatha yeselula kuphela noma ungakwazi ukufinyelela i-App Store kuphela uma uxhume kunethiwekhi ye-Wi-Fi. Ukuze uxazulule lokhu, iya kokuthi Izilungiselelo > Iselula ku-iOS 15 futhi unike amandla ukufinyelela kwedatha ye-App Store.
Setha kabusha i-akhawunti ye-Apple: Ungase futhi usethe kabusha i-akhawunti yakho ye-Apple ku-iOS 15. Vele uye ku-ID yakho ye-Apple bese uphuma ngemvume kuyo. Ngemva kwalokho, ngena ngemvume futhi ku-akhawunti yakho bese uzama ukuqalisa i-App Store futhi.
Setha isikhathi esizenzakalelayo: Ngaphezu kwalokho, hamba kuzilungiselelo zosuku nesikhathi kudivayisi ye-iOS 15 bese uvule inketho yokuthi "Setha Ngokuzenzakalelayo".
Setha kabusha izilungiselelo zenethiwekhi: Vakashela Izilungiselelo > Okuvamile > Setha kabusha ku-iOS 15 bese ukhetha Hlela Kabusha Izilungiselelo Zenethiwekhi.

Ungahlola ezinye izinketho lapha ukuze ulungise inkinga ye-App Store engasebenzi ngemuva kwesibuyekezo se-iOS 15.

3.8 iOS 15 Izinkinga Zohlelo Lokusebenza

Ngaphandle kwezinhlelo zokusebenza ezidumile ezifana ne-iMessage noma Umculo, kungase kube nenkinga nezinye izinhlelo zokusebenza eziningi kudivayisi yakho. Sincoma ukuthi ulandele izixazululo ezingezansi ukuze ulungise izinkinga zohlelo lokusebenza ezingafuneki ngemva kokubuyekezwa kwe-iOS 15.
app issue of iOS 15
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Hlola uhlu oluhambisanayo: Iya kulwazi lohlelo lokusebenza bese uhlola uhlu lokuhambisana ukuze wazi ukuthi uhlelo lokusebenza lunenkinga nge-iOS 15.
Buyekeza uhlelo lokusebenza: Iya ku-App Store ku-iOS 15 futhi ubuyekeze uhlelo lokusebenza olubonakala lungasebenzi kahle.
Phinda ufake uhlelo lokusebenza: Khipha uhlelo lokusebenza, hamba ku-App Store, bese ulufaka futhi.
Vala uhlelo lokusebenza: Yethula i-App Switcher kudivayisi ye-iOS 15 bese uvala uhlelo lokusebenza ngokuswayiphela phezulu.
Vala ukuvumelanisa kwe-iCloud: Uma uhlelo lokusebenza luxhunywe ku-iCloud, ungaya kuzilungiselelo ze-iCloud ku-iOS 15 bese uvala inketho yokuvumelanisa yohlelo lokusebenza. Ngemva kwalokho, ungabheka ukuthi uhlelo lokusebenza luyasebenza yini bese uvule ukuvumelanisa futhi.

3.9 iOS 15 Siri Ayitholakali

Nakuba i-iOS 15 iqhamuke nezinketho ezintsha nezithuthukile ze-Siri, akuzona zonke ezibonakala zisebenza kahle. Kungase kube noshintsho oluzenzakalelayo kuzilungiselelo ze-Siri ezingase zibe nomphumela wokungasebenzi kahle kwayo. Noma kunjalo, kungase kube nenkinga yesofthiwe egxilile ngemuva kwale nkinga ye-iOS 15 futhi.
Ingabe yimina nje noma yikhono lokwengeza Izinqamuleli ze-Siri ezintsha ezingasebenzi kunoma ubani kule beta (4)?
Ukulungisa Okusheshayo:
Setha kabusha i-Siri: Ngaphambi kokuthi uthathe noma yisiphi isinyathelo esinqala, zama ukusetha kabusha i-Siri ku-iOS 15. Yiya kokuthi Izilungiselelo > i-Siri bese uyivala. Ngemva kokulinda isikhashana, vula inketho futhi ubone ukuthi iyasebenza yini.
Reset network settings: If you think there is a network issue with your iPhone that is causing this problem with Siri, then you can reset iOS 15 network settings. To do this, go to your phone’s Settings > General > Reset and tap on “Reset Network Settings”.
Enable the “Hey Siri!” prompt: By default, Siri responds to the “Hey Siri!” prompt. If it is turned off, then you might assume that iOS 15 Siri is not available. Go to Siri’s settings and enable the “Hey Siri!” prompt from here.
Allow Siri to use cellular data: Make sure you have a stable internet connection on iOS 15. Also, go to your Cellular data option and permit Siri permission to access it.
Turn off Dictation option: It has been observed that the “Dictation” feature on iOS 15 can sometimes tamper with the overall functioning of Siri. To fix this, go to your device’s Settings > General > Keyboards and turn off the “Enable Dictation” option.

To further understand and solve this problem, you can read this extensive guide of fixing Siri Not Working.

3.10 Notifications Appearing Incorrectly on iOS 15

This is one of the most common iOS bugs that have been around for the last few updates. Also, many users reflected that their iOS notifications were not showing or did not appear in a common way after iOS 15 update. Try to implement some suggestions below to fix this iOS 15 problem.
Notifications do not appear correctly after iOS 15 update? Then you can always try these tips: https://bit.ly/2BCHiuj @drfone_toolkit
Quick Fixes:
Avoid notification cluttering: The cluttering of too many notifications can cause this iOS 15 problem. Just go to the notification tab on your iPhone and clear all notifications in one go. Most likely, this will make the notifications appear correctly afterward.
Turn off DND mode: If you are not getting any notification on your iOS 15 iPhone, then chances are that your iPhone could be on the DND (Do Not Disturb) mode. Simply turn it off from the Control Center or by visiting your device’s Settings.
Adjust notification preview settings: You could have changed the way you receive the preview of notifications on your iOS 15 as well. Go to its Settings > Notifications > Show Previews and select "Always” instead of “When Unlocked” or any other option.
Allow notifications for specific apps: From here, you can also check if you have disabled notifications for a certain app as well. Under the Notification settings of your iOS 15 device, you can see a list of all the apps. Just tap on an app and enable the “Allow Notifications” option. You can also turn on/off the notification sound for that app and its preview.
Reset all settings: Go to Settings > General > Reset and choose to reset all the saved settings on your iOS 15.

Part 4. iOS 15 Problems: Other Problems after Update

Not just apps, the other features on your iPhone can also malfunction after an iOS 15 update. There could be an issue with its Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, battery, and so on. We have covered some of the major iOS 15 issues with their quick fixes.

4.1 iOS 15 Battery Fast Draining

This is something that almost all the iPhone users complain about. Too often, after upgrading a device to iOS 15, its battery seems to drain way too fast. Some users reported that the iPhone battery could not even last 2 hours. While your iPhone battery could be damaged, there can be a software bug causing this problem as well.
iOS 15 problem - battery draining
Quick Fixes:
Check battery performance: Check the battery of your iPhone and make sure it is charged enough. The new iOS 15 comes with a Battery Health feature that can be checked from its Settings > Battery. This will let you check the peak performance and the overall capacity of the iOS 15 battery.
Identify battery-draining apps: Go to the Battery usage and identify the apps that have been draining your iPhone’s battery the most. You can update or uninstall these apps afterward.
Avoid running too many apps: Try to optimize the iOS 15 performance by closing unnecessary apps. You can also switch off iOS 15 services like GPS that can drain your iPhone’s battery. Also, go to its Settings and turn off the Background App Refresh option.
Turn off Fitness Tracking: If you have enabled the Fitness Tracking option on iOS 15, then it can consume a lot of battery as well. Go to its Motion & Fitness settings and turn this option off.
Wait for the formal iOS 15 version: The unwanted iOS 15 battery problems are usually seen in the beta or earlier versions. Wait for a more stable iOS 15 version and update your device whenever a public version is released to fix this problem.

4.2 iOS 15 Charging Issue

Even if your iOS 15 battery is functioning properly, chances are that there could be an issue with its charging as well. You may experience tough moments when using a 3rd-party iOS charger, the iOS 15 device may stop charging when the battery power reaches 80% or 90%, or the charging may be intolerably slow after iOS 15 update.
The following suggestions will certainly come handy to you while resolving any charging issue after the iOS 15 update.
Quick Fixes:
Exclude physical damage: Check for any physical damage on your iOS 15 device. Make sure that the charging socket is working and that you are using an authentic lightning cable. Try to charge your iPhone through different power sockets to diagnose this problem.
Restart device: Restart your iPhone. Sometimes, all it takes to fix a charging issue with iOS 15 is a simple reset of its power cycle.
Clean charging socket: Take a cotton bud (not wet) and clean the charging socket on your iOS 15 device. It could be malfunctioning due to dirt or damage.
Adopt a more stable iOS 15 version: Wait for a more stable iOS 15 release and don’t update your device to a beta or initial version. If you are using iOS 15 beta and can’t upgrade it, then consider downgrading it to a stable iOS 15 version.

Here are some other solutions to fix the common iPhone charging issues.

4.3 iOS 15 Device Overheating Issue

If your iPhone seems to overheat a lot whenever you use it, then you should be alarmed. There could be a serious issue with the iOS and it should be fixed immediately. In most of the cases, a corrupt iOS 15 update or a software issue triggers the iPhone overheating problem.
iOS 15 problem - iphone overheating
Quick Fixes:
Switch off intensive features: Simply turn off the internet, location, AirDrop, and other intensive features on iOS 15 and let it rest. You can also switch it off and turn it on again once the iPhone is cooled down.
Remove the heavy case: If your iPhone is covered with a heavy case, then get rid of it. It is observed that a leather case can lead to the overheating of the iPhone at times.
Avoid beta releases: Downgrade, or update your iPhone to a more stable version of iOS 15 (avoid beta and earlier releases).
Stop using some apps: Go to your iPhone’s battery usage and data usage settings. This will let you identify the iOS 15 apps that are heavy on the processing so that you can stop using them.
Avoid high-temperature environment: Don’t use your iPhone too much in the sunlight or leave it in your car. Also, avoid placing it on electronic items (like your laptop) that can further heat it.
Reset iPhone settings: If you think there is an issue with iOS 15 settings, then go to its Reset options and Reset All Settings.

4.4 iOS 15 Cellular Data Issues

A lot of users are complaining about problems with their cellular data after the iOS 15 update. The most common complaints are:
  • Some apps fail to connect to cellular networks.
  • Some apps consume far more cellular data after iOS 15 update.
  • iOS 15 cellular data cannot be turned on or stops working sometimes.
Quick Fixes:
Check network coverage: Firstly, check if you are getting enough coverage on your network or not. Without any network coverage, the cellular data on iOS 15 would not work.
Turn on cellular data: Also, make sure that the cellular data option is turned on. Go to your iPhone’s Settings > Cellular Data and turn it on.
Turn on Data Roaming: If you are roaming (away from your home network), then the “Data Roaming” option under Cellular Data settings should be turned on.
Reset network settings: Go to Settings > General > Reset and choose to “Reset Network Settings” on iOS 15 to fix any network-related issue.
Install carrier's updates: Under your iPhone’s Cellular Settings, you can check if your carrier has pushed any update. If you find any new settings, then update your iPhone.

4.5 iOS 15 Wi-Fi Problems

Attempting to use iOS 15 devices to full potential by iOS 15 update, some users just found the unexpected Wi-Fi problems ruin the whole iOS 15 experience. According to their reports, Wi-Fi networks could not be connected to, "wrong Wi-Fi passcode" prompt popped up, the Wi-Fi option became gray in settings, or Wi-Fi speed turned sluggish. We have come up with some ways to fix the iOS 15 Wi-Fi issues here.
@AppleSupport My iPhone X is not getting connected to known Wi-Fi automatically. Time and again I have to get it connected.
My other iPhone 6Splus is working fine without any such problem. Pls help and advice what to do.
Quick Fixes:
Reset Wi-Fi: Try to reset your Wi-Fi on iOS 15. You can switch it off from the Control Center option or by visiting your device’s Wifi settings to do it. Wait for a while and turn it on once again.
Exclude Wi-Fi router errors: Check the Wi-Fi router and your connection to make sure there is no error. You can also get in touch with the network provider to know if there is any glitch in their server.
Re-connect to Wi-Fi: If there is a problem with a particular connection, then you can reset it as well. Go to your Wi-Fi Settings on iOS 15 and tap on the “i” icon adjacent to a network. From here, you can tap on the “Forget this Network” option. Later, you can turn Wi-Fi off and on again, discover the same network, and try reconnecting it.
Manually add a network: Sometimes, it is better to manually add a network as well on iOS 15. If your iPhone is not able to detect the Wi-Fi network, then you can follow this approach. Choose to set up a new network manually and provide its details in order to connect to it.
Remove previous profile: If you have tried updating your iPhone previously, then there could be a clash with its existing profile as well. Go to its Software Update settings and get rid of the existing profile. After that, you can try to update your iPhone to a stable iOS 15 version.

4.6 iOS 15 Bluetooth Problems

Bluetooth problems are one of the major disappointments about iOS 15 update. Users' complaints about iOS 15 Bluetooth mainly include: Bluetooth connection failure, Bluetooth being easily disconnected, Bluetooth cannot be turned off, and Bluetooth icon disappeared in iOS 15. If your iPhone/iPad is also facing Bluetooth issues after the iOS 15 update, then the following suggestions are recommended.
Note: Actually, the iOS 15 Bluetooth icon missing is not a real problem. This is a new interface design of Apple in iOS 15.
Quick Fixes:
Turn on Bluetooth: Make sure the Bluetooth feature is turned on in iOS 15. You can go to its option on Control Center or visit your device’s Settings > Bluetooth. From here, you need to make sure that the Bluetooth option is enabled.
Turn off Airplane mode: Also, make sure that the Airplane mode on iOS 15 is not turned on. If your iPhone is running in Airplane mode, then Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cellular data, etc. would be disabled. Go to Control Center or Settings on iOS 15 to turn off the Airplane mode.
Restart the iOS device: Sometimes, the issue can be fixed by simply restarting the iOS 15 device.
Connect to Bluetooth again: If you are not able to connect to a specific device, then go to the iOS 15 Bluetooth settings, tap on the “i” icon adjacent to the device, and forget it. Later, you can try to connect to it again.

Follow this detailed guide to know how to solve Bluetooth problems in some other ways.

4.7 iOS 15 Wallpaper Problem

Yes – you have read it right. Sometimes, users face unexpected issues with iOS 15 wallpaper as well. For instance, at times iPhone automatically zooms in an image while setting it as wallpaper, wallpapers cannot be resized, and live wallpaper does not work anymore. No matter what the issue is, it can probably be fixed by following the below solutions.
iOS 15 problem - wallpaper
Quick Fixes:
Turn off Reduce Motion: If the iOS 15 device automatically stretches the image while setting it as wallpaper, then there would be a conflict with its parallax settings. To avoid this, go to its Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion and turn the option for “Reduce Motion” off.
Turn off the Low Power mode: There could be an issue with Live Wallpapers as well. Firstly, check if your iOS 15 is in Low Power mode or not. The Low Power mode automatically neglects the Live Wallpapers to save the battery. Charge your phone or turn off the Low Power mode manually.
Change to a customized wallpaper: Go to your Settings > Wallpaper on iOS 15 and set the default wallpaper on your iPhone for a while. After that, try changing it to any other customized wallpaper and see if it fixes the issue.
Turn on 3D Touch: You might not know this, but live wallpapers use the 3D Touch in order to activate. Just go to General Settings > 3D Touch on your iOS 15 and make sure it is turned on.

4.8 AirPods Won’t Connect on iOS 15

One of the best things about iOS devices is AirPods as they let us listen to music without the hassle of wires. Though, sometimes AirPods don’t seem to connect to an iOS device updated to iOS 15. The issue can be a bit tedious as users first need to identify a reason behind it.
iOS 15 problem - AirPods connection problem
Quick Fixes:
Reset your AirPods: Try to reset your AirPods with your iPhone. To do this, go to Bluetooth settings on iOS 15 and tap on the “i” icon adjacent to your AirPods. From here, you need to disconnect your iPhone. Wait for a while and connect again.
Re-connect to AirPods: Besides disconnecting, you can choose to forget the iPhone altogether as well. Later, you can connect the iPhone from scratch to fix this iOS 15 issue.
Exclude physical issues: Make sure that your AirPods are charged and that they are not physically damaged.
Turn Bluetooth off and on: Simply turn off Bluetooth on your iOS 15 device, wait for a while, and turn it on again.
Check communication range: Be sure that your AirPods are paired to the right iOS 15 device in an ideal range.
Put AirPods in pairing mode: Put your AirPods in the Bluetooth pairing mode. To do this, keep your AirPods in their charging case with its lid open. Hold the setup button at the back of the case and wait as the status light would start flashing in white color.

4.9 iOS 15 Sound Problems

You could be using your iOS 15 device to listen to your favorite music, play games, ring, or use FaceTime. Though, an unexpected sound problem (no or disordered sounds) can cause unwanted setbacks to your iPhone experience. You may even to overcome these iOS 15 sound issues, we suggest the following fixes.
iOS 15 sound problem
Quick Fixes:
Exclude physical damage: Make sure that there is no physical damage to your iPhone’s speakers. Also, there could be some dirt or dust in it. Take a fine brush and clean it gently.
Check the Headphone mode: Also, check whether your iPhone is stuck in the Headphone mode or not. You can view a headphone sign on the screen with no sound. In most of the cases, it can be fixed by simply restarting your iPhone.
Enable Sound in settings: If you are not getting sounds for notifications, then go to Notification Settings on iOS 15 and enable “Sound”.
Turn off DND mode: Go to Settings > Do Not Disturb on iOS 15, and make sure your iPhone/iPad is not in the DND mode.

4.10 iOS 15 Ringtone not Working

Not just your iPhone’s sound, sometimes iOS 15 update may result in ringtone malfunctioning, for example, customized ringtones no longer effect, or not any sound played for incoming calls, texts, app notifications. Thankfully, the iOS 15 problem can be fixed by following the below solutions.
Ringtone feature does not work after iOS 15 update? try these tips to have a quick fix: https://bit.ly/2BCHiuj @drfone_toolkit
Quick Fixes:
Quit silent mode: Firstly, make sure that your iPhone is not in the silent mode. From the side switch, you can view the same. If you can view the orange strip, it means the iOS 15 device is in the silent mode. Just push it towards the device to unmute it.
Check ringtone volume: In addition to that, check the ringtone volume on iOS 15. Unlock your iPhone and press the Volume Up button a few times in order to increase the ringer’s volume.
Change ringtone: You can also try to change your iPhone’s ringtone as well. To do this, go to Settings > Sounds > Ringtone on iOS 15 and select any other option from the list.
Turn on Vibrate on Ring: If your iPhone is not vibrating while ringing, then you can go to Sounds option on iOS 15 and turn on the “Vibrate on Ring” feature.

4.11 iOS 15 Touchscreen Problems

iPhone touchscreen problems are not new in iOS 15. Just after updating their iDevices to a new iOS 15 version, a lot of users face such issues as touch screen not responding to touches, or touch screen freezing when calls come in. There could be a clash in iOS settings, physical damage, or a software glitch behind this.
iPhone touchscreen not working. Fixable?
Quick Fixes:
Exclude physical factors: To start with, make sure that there is no physical damage to your iPhone’s touch screen. Look for any crack or spill on the screen to make sure it is not a hardware problem.
Calibrate brightness: Sometimes, users face a glitch in the iPhone touchscreen due to the brightness level as well. To fix this, you need to calibrate your iOS brightness. Go to Settings > Display & Brightness on iOS 15. Swipe the level to the left end, wait for a while, and swipe it again to the right end. Do this 2-3 times till the brightness is well calibrated.
Force restart iPhone: If your iPhone’s screen isn’t responding at all, then try to force restart it by applying the right key combinations. Once the iPhone is restarted, chances are that its touchscreen would also start working.
Gently press the screen: The logic board in an iOS device mostly connects the display with the rest of the device’s hardware. If there is a loose cable, then you can fix it by pressing the screen above the logic board. In most of the cases, it is located at the top right corner or the middle. Though, make sure that you are gentle and don’t press the screen too hard.

Also, check one more in-depth guide that can help you fix iPhone touch screen problems after an iOS 15 update.

4.12 Touch ID Not Working on iOS 15

Problems brought by iOS 15 update are various and, of course, include Touch ID problems. Some users found iPhone Touch ID not responsive or even not working at all. If you are among them, then here are some tips that can help fix this iOS 15 issue.
is anyone else’s touch id not working? typing in my password is getting old hahah
Quick Fixes:
Clean the Touch ID part: Make sure that the Touch ID is working properly on your iPhone. Wipe it gently and clean it off from dirt or water. Also, position your finger in the correct manner so that the Touch ID can scan it entirely.
Add new fingerprint: It is recommended to delete your fingerprint and add a new one every few months. This will improve the accuracy of the scan. To do this, go to Settings > Touch ID & Passcode on iOS 15 and delete the existing fingerprints. Now, tap on “Add a Fingerprint” and scan your finger again.
Reset Touch ID: Another quick solution to fix this issue is by resetting the iOS 15 Touch ID feature. Go to the Touch ID settings and under the “Used for” option, you can view how the Touch ID is associated with other features. Toggle them off and lock your device. Unlock it with a passcode, go to these settings and turn them on again.
Reset all settings: If nothing else seems to work, then simply go to Settings > General > Reset and reset all settings on the iOS 15 device. After that, the iOS would be restarted and you need to add a new fingerprint.

Read a new post to know more suggestions for fixing a malfunctioning Touch ID on an iOS device.

Part 5. iOS 15 Problems about Downgrade

A lot of times, users don’t like the iOS 15 update due to numerous reasons and would like to downgrade to a previous stable version. This mostly happens when they update their iPhone/iPad to a beta or initial version of iOS 15. Since downgrading from iOS 15 can be a bit complex on its own, users often face unwanted obstacles while doing the same. We have listed some common iOS 15 downgrading issues with simple fixes.

5.1 iOS 15 downgrade stuck in recovery mode/DFU mode/Apple logo

iOS 15 downgrading may not proceed smoothly as your iPhone can be stuck in recovery mode, DFU mode, black screen, or white Apple logo screen. Before you take any drastic step, just wait for a few minutes. In this way, you can be sure whether iOS 15 downgrading is actually stuck or is simply taking a while to process.
iOS 15 downgrade problem - process stuck
Quick Fixes:
Force restart iPhone: The best way to fix this problem is by force restarting your iPhone. In order to force restart your iPhone, you need to press the correct key combinations (Power + Home/Volume Down buttons). It will break the ongoing power cycle and would restart your device.
Clear historical data: If there is a lot of cache and website data on Safari, then it can tamper with its processing. To resolve this, go to Safari settings on iOS 15 and tap on “Clear History and Website Data”. Confirm your choice to clear all the cache data from your iPhone.
Connect to iTunes: You can also launch an updated version of iTunes on your system and connect your iPhone to it. If your iPhone is already in the DFU or recovery mode, then iTunes will detect it, and ask you to restore it. Follow the on-screen instructions to restore your iPhone entirely.
Use a repair tool: If you don’t want to cause any evident harm to your iPhone, then use an expert third-party tool. For instance, Dr.Fone - System Repair (iOS) can fix all the prominent iOS 15 issues. It will repair your iPhone to a stable iOS 15 version without losing any data at all.

5.2 Data loss after iOS 15 downgrade

Losing our important files is certainly a situation that no user likes during iOS 15 downgrade. But it did happen. Lots of users said they could not find their photos, music, contacts, videos, etc. after iOS 15 downgrade. To overcome this issue, we recommend the below solutions.
Found some data lost after iOS 15 downgrade? Try these tips to recover data without hassle: https://bit.ly/2BCHiuj @drfone_toolkit
Quick Fixes:
Restore a previous backup: The first approach is to restore a previous backup on your iOS. If you have already taken a backup using iTunes, then launch it and connect your device to the system. Go to its Summary tab and click on “Restore Backup”. From here, you can select a previous iTunes backup to restore. In the same way, you can also restore a backup from iCloud as well.
Use a data recovery tool: If you haven’t taken a backup of your iOS data before, then we recommend using a data recovery tool like Dr.Fone - Data Recovery (iPhone Data Recovery). It can recover the lost and deleted data on your iPhone under different situations. You can get a preview of the recovered data and restore it back to your iOS device in a selective manner.

5.3 iCloud/iTunes backup can't be restored to iPhone after iOS 15 downgrade

It has been observed that after downgrading from iOS 15, we often end up losing the saved data on our iPhone/iPad. To overcome this, we try to restore an existing backup from iCloud or iTunes. Though, if the iOS version is different, then you might get an error stating that the backup can’t be restored. To fix this, you can implement the following suggestions.
Quick Fixes:
Manage phone storage: The problem can happen when there is a lack of free space on your iPhone. Go to Settings > Storage and tap on “Manage Storage”. From here, you can check if you have enough free space for the backup to be restored or not.
Update iTunes: If you are using an outdated version of iTunes that is no longer compatible with your iOS version, then this problem can occur. To resolve this, go to your iTunes menu and check for the available updates.
Delete corrupted backup files: Another reason behind this issue is the clash between different backup files. Just go to the Device Preferences on iTunes and view the existing backups. Get rid of the previous corrupted backup files and retry the restoring process.

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