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Jübi telefonyňyzdaky kynçylyklary aňsatlyk bilen düzeltmek üçin iň doly Dr.Fone gollanmalaryny şu ýerden tapyň. Windows we Mac platformalarynda dürli iOS we Android çözgütleri bar. Indi göçürip alyň.

Dr.Fone - WhatsApp Transfer (iOS):

Dr.Fone, iOS enjamlarynda WhatsApp / WhatsApp Business maglumatlaryny ätiýaçlamaga we dikeltmäge mümkinçilik berýär. Ulanyjylar iPhone WhatsApp / WhatsApp Business habarlaryny we WhatsApp / WhatsApp Business habar goşundylaryny ätiýaçlandyryp bilerler, olary kompýutere eksport edip we enjamyň ätiýaçlyk nusgasyny dikeldip bilerler.

Indi göçürip al | .Eňiň Indi göçürip al | Mac

Dr.Fone gurallar toplumyny kompýuteriňize açanyňyzdan soň, gurallar sanawyndan "WhatsApp Transfer" opsiýasyny saýlaň. Soňra iPhone / iPad-yňyzy kompýutere birikdiriň.

backup restore whatsapp

* Dr.Fone Mac version still has the old interface, but it does not affect the use of Dr.Fone function, we will update it as soon as possible.

Next, go to the WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business tab, and let's check how to use the features here one by one.

Note: Steps for backup iOS WhatsApp Business Messages are the same.

backup restore whatsapp

Part 1. Backup iOS WhatsApp Messages

Besides backing WhatsApp to iCloud on iPhone, you can also backup iPhone WhatsApp to your local drive on the computer. Dr.Fone can help to back up WhatsApp to a specific path on your PC. Look the detailed steps here:

Step 1. Connect your iPhone/iPad

To back up WhatsApp messages from iOS devices to your computer, you need to choose "Backup WhatsApp messages". Then get your iPhone or iPad connected to the computer.

Step 2. Begin to back up WhatsApp messages

Once your device is recognized, the backup process starts automatically.

backup whatsapp

Once the backup begins, you can sit and wait. The program will finish the process automatically. When you're told that the backup is completed, you will see the window below. Here, you can click "View it" to check the backup file if you want.

backup whatsapp

Step 3. View the backup file and export data selectively

Choose the backup file that you want to view if there is more than one backup file listed.

backup whatsapp

Then you will see all the details. Choose any item you want to export to your computer or restore it to your device.

backup whatsapp

Part 2. Restore iOS WhatsApp/WhatsApp Business Backup to Android Devices

Dr.Fone can restore WhatsApp messages from iOS backup to Android as long as you succeed to back up iPhone by Dr.Fone. Here're the detailed steps to restore:

Stepdim 1. WhatsApp aýratynlygy boýunça 'Enjamy dikeltmek' saýlaň.

Stepdim 2. Sanawdan “iPhone” ätiýaçlyk nusgasyny saýlaň. 'Indiki' düwmesine basyň.

restore iOS whatsapp to android device 1

Stepdim 3. Android telefonyňyzy kompýuteriňize birikdiriň. '' Dikelt 'düwmesine basyň.

restore iOS whatsapp to android device 2

Stepdim 4. Dikeldip başlaýar.

restore iOS whatsapp to android device 3

Stepdim 5. “WhatsApp” -yň belli bir wersiýasyny guruň.

restore iOS whatsapp to android device 4

6-njy ädim .

restore iOS whatsapp to android device 5

Bölüm 3. iOS enjamlaryna iOS WhatsApp ätiýaçlyk nusgasyny dikeltmek

IOS ätiýaçlyk nusgasyndan WhatsApp habarlaryny başga bir iPhone-a dikeltmek aňsat. “IPhone” -a täzeden dikeldeniňizde, iki maglumatlary saklamagy ýa-da maksatly “iPhone” -da bar bolan maglumatlary süpürip bilersiňiz.

Stepdim 1. iPhone / iPad-yňyzy birikdiriň

WhatsApp habarlaryny iOS enjamlaryňyza dikeltmek üçin "WhatsApp habarlaryny iOS enjamyna dikeltmek" saýlamaly. IPhone ýa-da iPad-yňyzy kompýutere birikdiriň. Soň bolsa ätiýaçlyk faýllaryňyzyň sanawyny görersiňiz.

restore whatsapp to ios device

Stepdim 2. WhatsApp habarynyň ätiýaçlyk nusgasyny iPhone / iPad-a dikelt

Uptiýaçlyk faýly saýlap, aşakdaky ýaly iPhone ýa-da iPad-a gönüden-göni dikeltmek üçin "Indiki" düwmesine basyp bilersiňiz.

Ora-da ilki ätiýaçlyk faýly görmegi, soňra bolsa enjamyňyza dikeltmek isleýän zadyňyzy saýlap bilersiňiz.

restore whatsapp to ios device

Bölüm 4. iOS WhatsApp-yňyzy HTML / PDF görnüşinde çap ediň we Çap ediň

IOS WhatsApp-yňyzy HTML / PDF görnüşinde eksport ediň

1-nji ädim: Kompýutere dikeltmek üçin faýly saýlaň

After backing up your WhatsApp data from your iOS devices, you can just tap “WhatsApp” or “WhatsApp Attachments” and select some of the message you want to export until the “Recover to Computer” button shows to you.

choose to recover

Step 2: Select a path to save the exported file

After you chose the file, a window will pop up for you to select a path to save the file you want to export, and you can view them as html or pdf format after exporting

export as html

Print your WhatsApp message

Step 1:Select message you want to print

If you want to save your WhatsApp as proof or cherish memory, as you can see, here are a print option for you.All you need to do is click the “Print” button on the top right.

Step 2: Reset your print

After clicking the “print” button, a new box will show you to set your print file. You can preview the page and reset the print settings.

choose to print

Read More to Learn:

  • How to back up WhatsApp Messages to iPhone X/8/7/6S/6 (Plus)
  • How to Restore WhatsApp Backup on iPhone and Android devices