Apparaatgegevens beheare

Fyn yn dit ûnderwerp alle nuttige taktiken om kontakten, berjochten, foto's, notysjes, ensfh. op jo iPhone of Android-tillefoan effektyf te behearjen, te bewurkjen of oer te bringen.

Hoe kinne jo Wiske foto's fan iPhone herstelle (iPhone X/8 ynbegrepen)

Kin ik wiske foto's fan iPhone weromhelje? Earlik sein, it hinget ôf. As jo ​​wiske foto's net oerskreaun wurde, is d'r in kâns foar jo. Lês de gids hjir.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo kamerarol uploade nei iCloud: in ultime gids

Learje hoe't jo kamerarol oplade nei iCloud yn dizze wiidweidige hantlieding. Wy hawwe in stapsgeze tutorial betocht om jo te helpen jo kamerarol yn gjin tiid te bewarjen nei iCloud.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo foto's fan iPhoto maklik uploade nei Facebook

Witte jo net hoe't jo foto's oplade fan iPhoto nei Facebook? Sjoch maklike stappen om foto's te uploaden fan iPhoto nei Facebook-akkount foar dielen mei freonen.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Oerdrage foto's fan iPhone 13 nei Mac

Binne jo optein om in effektive metoade te ûntdekken om foto's oer te setten fan iPhone 13 nei Mac? Meitsje jo klear foar in ferhelderjende reis yn it ferkennen fan de ongelooflijke manieren om in flaterfrij oerdrachtproses te berikken.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
De Ultimate Guide to Send Photos from iPhone to Computer

Wolle jo witte hoe't jo foto's kinne stjoere fan iPhone nei kompjûter of laptop? Gelokkich binne d'r ferskate maklike metoaden foar it oerbringen fan ôfbyldings fan in iPhone nei in PC.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
[Detaillearre hantlieding] Oplossings foar it oerdragen fan gegevens fan iPhone 13 nei PC?

Besykje jo iPhone 13-opslachprobleem op te lossen? Jo opslach is hast fol, dus jo wolle gegevens oerdrage fan iPhone 13 nei PC? Lês dit artikel om in oplossing te finen. Wy hawwe jûn goede rjochtline en 4 ferskillende oplossings foar dit probleem.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
[Oplost] Hoe myn iPhone 13 op PC te behearjen

Ferwarre oer it behearen fan iPhone 13 op PC? Witte jo net hoe't it moat? Lês dit artikel om de bêste oplossing te finen dy't jo nedich binne. Wy hawwe juste detaillearre ynformaasje levere mei rjochtlinen om iPhone 13 op PC mei gemak te behearjen.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Wêr geane AirDrop-bestannen op iPhone / Mac?

It AirDrop-proses is in ferrassend fluch proses foar it dielen fan ynformaasje nei oare iPhones, iPads en Mac-apparaten yn 'e buert. Wêr geane AirDrop-bestannen lykwols op Mac of iPhone? Fyn mear yn dizze post en lear ideeën ferbûn mei AirDrop-bestannen.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Help foar iPhone-notysjes - Hoe kinne jo dûbele notysjes op iPhone kwytreitsje

Lês fierder om út te finen hoe't jo dûbele bestannen op jo iPhone kinne wiskje.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Hoe kinne ik iPhone-notysjes-ikoan ûntbrekke of ferburgen oplosse

Myn iPhone Notes-ikoan ferdwûn! Meitsje dy gjin soargen. Dit artikel fertelt jo hoe't jo jo Notes-ikoan kinne fine, lykas de ynhâld fan jo foarige notysjes.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Folsleine oplossingen foar Notes-app dy't net syngronisearje mei iCloud

Foarsichtich binne d'r in protte dingen dy't jo kinne besykje om jo Mac OS X tegearre mei iOS-apps te syngronisearjen mei Apple's servers.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Hoe kinne jo tagong krije ta jo notysjes op iCloud

It wolkbasearre systeem lit brûkers muzyk, foto's, dokuminten, applikaasjes, herinneringen, backups, notysjes, iBooks en kontaktenlist maklik opslaan.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
4 Fergese metoaden om reservekopy fan jo iPhone-notysjes

Hjir sille wy jo de bêste 4 metoaden foarstelle foar it meitsjen fan in reservekopy fan jo iPhone-notysjes en dat ek absolút fergees.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Hoe kinne jo notysjes eksportearje fan iPhone nei PC / Mac

Witte jo net hoe't jo notysjes kinne eksportearje fan iPhone nei PC / Mac? Meitsje dy gjin soargen! Dit artikel dielt jo in freonlike manier om notysjes te eksportearjen fan iPhone nei PC / Mac.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
3 manieren om notysjes op iPhone en iPad te backupjen

As jo ​​​​jo ôffreegje hoe't jo notysjes op iPhone en iPad kinne reservekopy meitsje, beskriuwe wy trije manieren wêrop jo dit kinne dwaan!

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
De bêste manier om ferwidere notysjes fan iPad te herstellen

Hawwe jo per ûngelok notysjes wiske op jo iPad? Hjir is hoe't jo se werom krije.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
3 manieren om ferwidere notysje op iPhone te herstellen

Ik haw myn notysjes op iPhone ferkeard wiske, hoe kin ik wiske notysjes op iPhone weromhelje? Dit artikel lit jo sjen hoe't te herstellen wiske notysjes op iPhone yn 3 manieren.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo notysjes printsje fan iPhone SE/6s (Plus)/6 (Plus)/5s/5c/5/4s/4

Hoe printsje ik notysjes fan myn iPhone 6s? It is in ienfâldich wurk. Dizze hantlieding lit jo sjen hoe't jo iPhone-notysjes yn 3 stappen kinne printsje. Check yn om it no te lêzen.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo notysjes ekstrahearje fan iPhone Reservekopy op Mac / PC

As jo ​​​​notysjes fan iPhone-reservekopy sille ekstrahearje en se op jo Mac eksportearje, kinne jo dizze gids lêze en folgje om it maklik te dwaan.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo notysjes weromhelje fan stellen iPhone, iPad of iPod touch

Kin ik notysjes op myn stellen iPhone weromhelje fan komputer? Fansels! Dizze hantlieding fertelt jo hoe't jo notysjes kinne herstellen fan stellen iPhone/iPad/iPod touch op 2 manieren.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
5 Metoaden om notysjes oer te setten fan iPhone nei PC / iCloud

Dit artikel fertelt jo 3 metoaden om oerdrage oantekeningen fan iPhone nei kompjûter of iCloud sûnder gedoe.

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
Top 10 Best Android Kontakten Apps

Op syk nei in betroubere manier om jo kontakten op jo Android-apparaat te behearjen? De folgjende top 10 bêste apps foar Android-kontakten kinne gewoan helpe.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Foegje maklik kontaktwidgets ta oan Android-apparaten

Jo sille witte hoe't jo kontaktwidgets tafoegje oan Android-apparaten nei it lêzen fan dit artikel.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Folsleine hantlieding foar it behearen fan Google-kontakten

Dizze hantlieding is bedoeld om jo te helpen net allinich te begripen hoe't Google Kontakten jo fan grutte help kinne wêze.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Maklik ymportearje Vcard (.vcf) nei Android

Yn dit artikel wy yntrodusearje in nuttich Android Manager ark, dy't meitsje VCF nei Android en oerdrage vCard kontakten oan Android telefoan darn maklik.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Fjouwer manieren om Android-kontakten maklik te meitsjen

Learje hoe't jo op fjouwer ferskillende manieren reservekopy kontakten op Android. Wy hawwe jûn in ynformative tutorial te fieren Android reservekopy kontakten sûnder gedoe.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Top 10 Android en iPhone Kontakten Reservekopy Apps

In list mei 10 Android- en iPhone-kontaktapplikaasjes foar reservekopy dy't jo kinne helpe by it meitsjen fan reservekopy fan jo kontakten op jo smartphone.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Hoe kinne jo iPhone-kontakten krije fan iTunes sûnder iPhone

Hoe kinne wy ​​kontakten krije fan iTunes sûnder iPhone? It is frij simpel. Kontrolearje en folgje de gids te finen iPhone kontakten yn iTunes.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo Wiske kontakten weromhelje fan Android-tillefoans en -tablets

Dit artikel fertelt ús hoe te herstellen wiske kontakten út Android telefoans en tablets.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo kontakten herstellen fan jo Android-tillefoan mei brutsen skerm

Kinne jo kontakten weromhelje fan in Android-apparaat mei in brutsen skerm? Hjir is hoe't jo kinne.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Samsung Contacts Recovery: 2 Ways to Recover Kontakten fan Samsung

Herstellen jo ferlerne kontakten op jo Samsung of oare Android smartphone of tablet maklik mei Wondershare Dr.Fone foar Android.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
4 Praktyske manieren om kontakten fan iCloud op te heljen

As jo ​​​​hawwe reservekopy fan jo kontakten nei iCloud, dan as jo it nedich hawwe, jo hawwe 4 opsjes te heljen kontakten út iCloud.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo iCloud-kontakten eksportearje nei Outlook

Dit artikel lit jo benammen sjen hoe't jo iCloud-kontakten nei Outlook kinne eksportearje of icloud-kontakten ymportearje nei Outlook. Lês op dit artikel en besykje it sels.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Twa manieren om iPhone-kontakten te eksportearjen fan iTunes

As jo ​​moatte eksportearje kontakten út iTunes, lês dit artikel oer hoe te eksportearjen iTunes kontakten. Hjir sille jo yngeande diskusje krije oer it eksportearjen fan kontakten.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Samsung Contacts Recovery: Hoe kinne jo kontakten weromhelje fan Samsung Galaxy S7

Wolle jo de bêste manier witte om jo kontakten te herstellen fan in Samsung Galaxy S7? Dan is dit artikel foar jo!

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo Wiske kontakten fan iPhone herstellen sûnder reservekopy

Is d'r yn elk gefal om kontakten te herstellen fan iPhone sels? Wis! Dit artikel fertelt jo hoe't jo wiske iPhone-kontakten kinne herstellen mei 3 stappen op syn gemak, sels fan iPhone XS (Max).

James Davis Apr/28/2022
2 manieren om kontakten op Android te herstellen

Dit artikel yntrodusearret jo oan de top 3 manieren kinne jo weromsette kontakten op jo Android apparaat.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
4 Manieren om te fertellen hoe't jo kontakten kinne weromsette nei iPhone

Krij jo ferlerne of wiske kontakten werom op jo iPhone mei de maklikste en feilichste metoade.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo Wiske kontakten weromhelje fan Gmail / Outlook / Android / iPhone

It wiskjen fan triemmen en dan wol te herstellen se is in hiel gewoane situaasje. Lokkich, in protte software soe helpe jo heljen wiske kontakten.

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
3 manieren om kontakten te printsjen fan iPhone X/8/7s/7/6/SE

Learje hoe't jo kontakten kinne printsje fan iPhone 7, 8, X, 6 en oare ferzjes yn dizze wiidweidige post. Wy hawwe listed trije manieren te printsjen kontakten út iPhone.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Top 8 Android Contact Manager om kontakten goed organisearre te hâlden

It artikel suggerearret de top 8 Android-kontaktmanager om kontakten ta te foegjen, te wiskjen, te groepearjen en te bewurkjen, of om kontakten te ymportearjen, te eksportearjen op jo Android-tillefoan.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo kontakten syngronisearje / oerdrage nei Google Pixel

Folgje dizze tutorial om kontakten op Google Pixel te behearjen, syngronisearje, oerdrage, reservekopy en weromsette kontakten fan âlde tillefoan nei Google Pixel-tillefoan mei ien klik.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo iPhone-kontakten op jo kompjûter besjen

Hoe kin ik myn iPhone-kontakten op 'e kompjûter besjen? Dit artikel jout jo twa manieren om kontakten te besjen fan jo iPhone op PC of Mac.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo iPhone-kontakten eksportearje nei in VCF / vCards

Wolle jo jo iPhone-kontakten eksportearje nei vCards (vcf) as reservekopy? eksportearje jo kontaktlist fan 'e iTunes- of iCLoud-backup, hjir is oer hoe't jo kontakten kinne eksportearje.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo iPhone-kontakten eksportearje nei CSV sûnder iTunes

Dit artikel giet oer om te praten oer hoe't jo jo iPhone-kontakten eksportearje as in CSV-bestân foar in reservekopy op jo PC of Mac. Kontrolearje no foar details!

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Hoe iPhone 13-kontakten op PC beheare

Apple lansearre iPhone 13 mei nije funksjes. As jo ​​fan plan binne iPhone 13 te keapjen, wit dan hoe't jo iPhone 13-kontakten op PC kinne beheare.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Wiskje of feroarje jo iCloud-akkount op iPhone of iPad sûnder gegevens te ferliezen

Is it mooglik om iCloud akkount te wiskjen sûnder jo gegevens te ferliezen? Dit artikel sil jo sjen litte hoe't jo jo iCloud-akkount feilich kinne wiskje op iPad of iPhone.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Hoe kinne jo iCloud-e-post op iPhone en kompjûter weromsette

Hoe kinne jo iCloud-e-post op iPhone en kompjûter weromsette? Yn dit artikel sille wy jo sjen litte hoe't jo iCloud Email op iPhone en PC weromsette kinne.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
4 manieren om iCloud-weromsette fêste problemen te reparearjen

Herstellen fan iCloud backup kin wêze de maklikste, noch in lestich ding yn 'e wrâld. Wy sille liede jo te reparearjen iCloud weromsette stuck problemen.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Jo Apple ID Wachtwurd fergetten? Hjir is hoe't jo Apple ID en Apple Wachtwurd weromsette

Dit artikel beskriuwt hoe't jo Apple ID en wachtwurd kinne herstellen as jo Apple ID wachtwurd fergetten binne.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Folsleine hantlieding om jo iCloud-akkount op iPhone te feroarjen

In protte brûkers fine it wichtich om te feroarjen harren persoanlike ynformaasje op iCloud / iPhone. Hjir sille jo leare hoe't jo kinne berikke dy lange mei minste ynspannings.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
iCloud Wachtwurd fergetten? Dingen om te dwaan om it werom te krijen.

iCloud wachtwurd fergetten, en soe graach herstellen fergetten iCloud wachtwurd fan Apple? Hjir binne ferskate manieren dat jo kinne herstellen jo iCloud wachtwurd yn.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Hoe kinne jo iCloud-opslachplannen annulearje

As jo ​​​​al in abonnemint hawwe foar de iCloud-opslach en jo beslute it abonnemint te annulearjen, folgje dan de stappen hjirûnder.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Hoe kinne jo dokuminten brûke en bewarje yn iCloud

Mei de frijlitting fan iCloud hoecht men syn dokuminten net yn 'e map en bestannen fan syn laptop of kompjûter te hâlden.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Hoe kinne jo ferlern iCloud-e-postwachtwurd weromhelje

Hoe te herstellen ferlern iCloud e-postwachtwurd is in mienskiplike fraach, wy wolle graach diele mei jo wat metoaden oer hoe om te herstellen ferlern iCloud e-postwachtwurd.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
3 manieren om iCloud Wachtwurd te herstellen

Hoe kin ik myn iCloud wachtwurd weromhelje? Yn dit artikel sille wy jo fertelle hoe't jo iCloud wachtwurd kinne herstellen. En it is net dreech foar de iCloud wachtwurd recvoery.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Hoe kinne jo net-winske apps fan iCloud wiskje?

As jo ​​​​lykwols de apps kwyt wolle dy't op iCloud binne opslein, kinne jo se "ferbergje". Om jo net-winske apps te ferbergjen, folgje de stappen hjirûnder.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
4 manieren om iCloud Lock foar jo iPhone te omgean

As jo ​​op syk binne nei manieren om bypass iCloud aktivearring lock, der binne details mei trije manieren te bypass iCloud lock op iPhone.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
4 manieren om it werhelle iCloud-oanmeldingsfersyk kwyt te reitsjen

Problemen mei iCloud kinne in ûnnedige nachtmerje wêze foar guon. Dit artikel sil yntrodusearje 4 manieren om te ûntdwaan fan de werhelle iCloud sign-in fersyk.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Hoe kinne jo iCloud Activation Lock op iPhone omgean [iOS 15 ynbegrepen]

De needsaak foar omgean iCloud aktivearring is meastentiids op minimaal as men is altyd bewust fan syn of har iCloud account details.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
11 Meast stelde fragen oer iPhone Reservekopy mei iTunes/iCloud

Dit artikel listet 11 meast stelde fragen dy't jo miskien moetsje as jo in reservekopy meitsje fan iPhone fia iTunes/iCloud.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Hoe kinne jo iCloud-akkount ynstelle op Android

Plan om iCoud te brûken op jo Android-tillefoan? Dizze hantlieding fertelt jo hoe't jo iCloud-akkount ynstelle op Android-apparaten yn ienfâldige stappen. Elkenien kin it oan.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Tips Center: Hoe kinne jo iCloud, iCloud Reservekopy en iCloud Storage brûke

Dit artikel giet alles oer hoe't jo iCloud opslach brûke, hoe't jo iCloud-reservekopy brûke, en hoe't jo iCloud sels brûke om bestannen te dielen en te reservekopyen.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Hoe te reparearjen iCloud lock op iPhone en iPad

Yn dit artikel, wy geane om ris efkes yn trije fan de meast brûkte metoaden te reparearjen iCloud lock.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
4 Manieren om iCloud Activation Lock op iOS-apparaten te ferwiderjen

Yn dit artikel, wy geane te nimmen in blik op trije fan de bêste fuortsmite iCloud Activation Lock metoaden.

Alice MJ Mar/08/2022
Hoe te ûntsluten iCloud lock op iPhone en iPad? [iOS 14]

Learje hoe't jo iCloud-slot op jo iPhone of iPad kinne ûntsluten, sels as jo de Apple ID of it wachtwurd fan jo apparaat net kenne.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
iCloud Unlocker Download: Untskoattelje iCloud Lock

Yn dit artikel, wy geane te nimmen in blik op twa ferskillende metoaden brûkt te ûntsluten iCloud lock

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Hoe te ûntdwaan fan iCloud Lock op iPhone

Yn dit artikel, wy geane om te sjen hoe't wy kinne krije rid fan de iCloud ûntsluten lock oanwêzich op iPhone.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
2 Manieren om iCloud beskoattele iPhone te jailbreak

Learje trije metoaden dy't kinne wurde brûkt om iCloud beskoattele iPhone te jailbreak.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
[Oplost] D'r wie in probleem by it ynskeakeljen fan iCloud Reservekopy

As d'r in probleem wie by it ynskeakeljen fan iCloud-reservekopy, kinne jo it reparearje troch dizze gids te lêzen. In stepwise oplossing wurdt fermeld te lossen probleem ynskeakeljen iCloud backup.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Twa oplossingen om WhatsApp fan iCloud te herstellen

Hawwe jo oait wichtige berjochten ferlern yn jo WhatsApp? Yn dit artikel sille wy jo leare hoe't jo WhatsApp kinne herstellen fan iCloud foar jo om maklik te herstellen.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
[Oplost] Hoe iPhone reparearje sil gjin reservekopy meitsje nei iCloud?

Los de iPhone sil gjin reservekopy nei iCloud probleem yn dizze wiidweidige gids. Wy hawwe foarsjoen stepwise oplossings oan wêrom sil net myn iPhone reservekopy nei iCloud.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
7 Oplossingen om iCloud-kontakten te reparearjen dy't net syngronisearje

Syngronisearje jo iCloud-kontakten net? Wolle jo de echte fix witte? Dan lês it artikel en witte hoe te lossen iCloud kontakten net syngronisearjen nei iPhone issue.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
5 manieren om iPhone fêst te reparearjen by it bywurkjen fan iCloud-ynstellingen

Komt jo iPhone soms fêst by it bywurkjen fan iCloud-ynstellingen? Binne jo regelmjittich te krijen mei dit soarte fan probleem? As ja, dan hawwe wy permaninte oplossingen om dit probleem kwyt te reitsjen.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Handige tips om iCloud-foto's te reparearjen dy't problemen net syngronisearje

Learje hoe't jo iCloud-foto's kinne reparearje sûnder syngronisaasjeprobleem yn dizze hantlieding. Ferskillende senario's en techniken wurde neamd om iPhone-foto's te reparearjen dy't net oplade nei iCloud-probleem.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Stepwise Guide foar tagong ta iCloud fan Android

Wolle jo tagong krije ta iCloud-notysjes, kontakten, mails, ensfh. op jo Android? Learje hoe't jo tagong krije ta iCloud op Android mei ferskate native en tredde-partij oplossingen.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Reservekopy WhatsApp en extract WhatsApp-berjochten út iCloud

Lês dizze post om te learen hoe't jo iCloud WhatsApp-backup kinne nimme en it weromsette nei jo apparaat. In tutorial is ek opnommen om WhatsApp-backup te downloaden fan iCloud.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
3 manieren om iCloud Activation Lock te omgean yn iOS 15/14

Yn dit artikel, wy geane te nimmen in blik op trije ferskillende metoaden op hoe te bypass iCloud lock iOS.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Trije oplossingen om ferskes fan iCloud te wiskjen

Learje hoe't jo ferskes fan iCloud kinne wiskje yn dizze wiidweidige hantlieding. Wy hawwe foarsjoen stap foar stap oplossings op hoe te wiskjen muzyk út iCloud.

Alice MJ Mar / 18/2022
It behearen fan meardere Apple-apparaten mei ien famylje Apple ID is net langer in nachtmerje

Yn dit artikel sille wy de metoade yntrodusearje om meardere Apple-apparaten te behearjen mei ien famylje Apple ID

James Davis Mar/21/2022
6 manieren om iCloud-kontakten oer te setten nei Android

Learje hoe't jo kontakten kinne oerdrage fan iCloud nei Android yn dizze gids. Wy hawwe listed 3 ferskillende oplossings te ferpleatsen iCloud kontakten nei Android yn in stapsgewijze wize, likegoed as 3 Apps te syngronisearjen iCloud kont.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
In wiidweidige hantlieding om tekstberjochten op iCloud te besjen

Learje hoe't jo tekstberjochten op iCloud kinne besjen yn dizze wiidweidige tutorial. De post omfettet in stapsgewijze hantlieding om iCloud-reservekopyberjochten te nimmen, te besjen en te ekstrahearje.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Hoe kinne jo foto's uploade nei iCloud Photo Library?

Hawwe jo in iPhone-apparaat of PC en wite net hoe't jo foto's nei iCloud kinne ferpleatse? Dit artikel sil jo bewarje. Wy sille jo helpe mei jo twifels.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
iCloud Reservekopy nimme foar altyd? Hjir is de echte fix!

Is jo iCloud-backup foar altyd te foltôgjen? Sit gjin soargen, om't jo net de iennichste binne mei dit probleem.

James Davis Mar/31/2022
In wiidweidige gids foar iCloud Reservekopy mislearre Issue

Binne jo op syk nei antwurden op jo iCloud backup mislearre probleem? Dan lês it artikel te krijen folsleine ynformaasje oer iCloud sil gjin reservekopy en syn respektivelike oplossings.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Top 7 iCloud-alternativen foar reservekopy fan iPhone / iPad

iCloud is de wolk opslach oanbean troch Apple en boud yn elk Apple apparaat. Yn dit artikel sille wy yntrodusearje jo 7 bêste iCloud alternativen foar reservekopy dyn iPhone / iPad gegevens.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
3 manieren om iCloud-foto's oer te setten nei Android

Learje hoe't jo foto's kinne oerdrage fan iCloud nei Android-tillefoan yn dizze wiidweidige post. Trije ferskillende tutorials wurde fermeld te oerdrage iCloud foto nei Android.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
iPhone Transfer: Transfer Kontakt fan iPhone nei iPhone sûnder iCloud

Om oerdrage kontakten nei in gloednije iPhone, kinne jo syngronisearje kontakten fan iPhone nei iPhone mei iCloud. Der is ek in oare opsje te syngronisearje iPhone kontakten sûnder iCloud.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Wegen om te herstellen fan iCloud Reservekopy sûnder reset

Wolle jo jo apparaat weromsette fan in iCloud-reservekopy sûnder it werom te setten? Hjir is hoe't jo it dwaan.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo Google Drive-bestannen / map kopiearje nei in oar akkount?

Foar dyjingen dy't meardere Google Drive-akkounts hawwe, hoe kinne jo de bestannen of map fan de iene nei de oare kopiearje? Kontrolearje hjir om de folsleine gids te sjen.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo Dropbox-akkounts fusearje?

Minsken kinne meardere Dropbox-akkounts brûke as wolkopslach. Dit artikel fertelt hoe't jo it Dropbox-akkount op 2 manieren fusearje kinne.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Hoe kinne jo foto's ophelje fan iCloud Reservekopy op Mac of PC

Binne jo op syk nei in antwurd op hoe te heljen foto út iCloud backup triem? Der binne 2 manieren beskikber om jo te helpen foto's te herstellen fan iCloud.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Top 6 fergese iCloud Reservekopy Extractor

This article shows you a top list of free iCloud backup extrator software for both Windows and Mac. Check in to get the list now.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Access and Download iCloud Backup in 2022: Three Ways

How to download iCloud backup easily? This article collects the most common 3 ways to access and download data from iCloud backup: using iCloud control panel, iCloud website, and iCloud extractor.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
How to Access iCloud Backup File and How to View iCloud Backup

want to access iCloud backup file? want to see what is on your iCloud? If you have the same questions in mind, check out the details in this article.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Recover Photos from iCloud to iPhone/PC/Mac?

Restore photos from iCloud by following these stepwise solutions. Learn how to recover photos from iCloud to your iPhone, iPad, or system in this guide.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Retrieve Data From iCloud with/without Restore

Do you want to know how to retrieve data from iCloud?You don't need to search anymore,here we will show you how to do it with or without restoring your device.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
4 Simple Ways to Access iCloud Photos: Step-By-Step Guide

Learn how to access iCloud photos on iPhone, Mac, and Windows in a hassle-free manner. We have listed various steps on how to access photos on iCloud.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
An Extensive Guide to Restoring Notes from iCloud

Want to learn how to recover notes from iCloud backup or the device store? The guide features stepwise tutorials to restore notes from iCloud in different ways.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
[Solved] How to Retrieve Photos from iCloud?

Did you accidentally delete photos from your iCloud account? If yes, then take a look at different methods on how to retrieve photos from iCloud instantly.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to sync iTunes to iCloud

Wondering how to sync iTunes to iCloud? This end to end guide talks about how to sync iTunes to iCloud for all your Apple devices, Mac, and Windows PC.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
3 Effective Ways to Unlock iCloud Account Without Password

It is important to learn how to unlock iCloud account on your Apple device if you want to start using a secondhand iPhone or iPad.

James Davis May/05/2022
How to Unlock iCloud Activation Lock and iCloud Account?

You cannot use a new iPhone since the device is looking for iCloud activation unlock. Read for more about how to unlock iCloud activation lock and iCloud account here.

James Davis May/07/2022
4 Ways to Unlock iCloud Locked iPhone [iOS 14]

In this article, we're going to take a look at how we can unlock an iCloud locked iPhone.

James Davis May/10/2022
How to Delete iCloud Account with or without Password from iPhone/Windows/Mac

In this article we are going to be looking at how to remove iCloud account on different devices even without a password.

James Davis May/11/2022
Top 7 iCloud Activation Bypass Tools

Below are the top 8 iCloud bypass tools. These iCloud bypass tools work very well to help you bypass iCloud.

James Davis May/11/2022
iCloud IMEI Unlock: Remove iCloud activation lock with IMEI code

We are going to see the importance of the IMEI code as well as the method used to unlock iCloud using this same code.

James Davis May/11/2022
Few Easy Steps to Sync iMessage across Your Multiple Devices

Read this article and you will never have any issues syncing iMessage on your devices.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
How to Send and Receive iMessage/SMS from Your Computer

Read on to find out how to send and receive iMessage/SMS from your computer.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
iPhone Messages Freezing: 5 Ways to Fix it

Wondering what you can do to fix a frozen iPhone? Here are 5 solutions that work very well.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Best Ways to Send Group Messages with Android or iPhone

When a same message has to be broadcasted to a lot of people quickly,sending group messages is really the best and most efficient way and with so many features in smart phones and so many group text.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top 13 Best Text Message Apps for Android Devices

Knowing that text message is a big part of daily phone use for a lot of people and not all of these text message apps you find in android device means quality.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top Websites and Apps to Send Anonymous Text Message

The article provide top 4 websites and apps that will allow you to send anonymous text message with no disclosure of your identity.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top 5 Free Apps to Help You Encrypt Text Messages

Here is a list of the top most text messages encrypting apps with details.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top 5 Apps to Help You Read Text Message Hands-Free

Everything on your phone is really a distraction, be it your navigation, music player, having a conversation or texting.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
How To Block Spam Messages On Your Android and iPhone

Try blocking the number of a spammer, but in the case where the number is concealed, blocking the text is appropriate. In addition, there a number of apps developed for blocking the spam text.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
8 Ways to Fix iPhone Not Sending or Receiving Text Messages Problems

This article describes all the different methods by which to solve the iPhone not receiving texts problem.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top 10 Free SMS Websites to Send SMS Online

SMS or text messaging has undoubtedly become one of the most convenient forms of communication. Below we will discuss top 10 websites which enables us to send online text messages in an instant.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top 10 SMS Scheduler to Help You Send the Text Message Later

SMS Scheduler is an automated tool which sends the text messages you wrote after a certain period of time with certain frequency. It helps in remembering the important dates and prevents you from forg

James Davis Mar/08/2022
How to Get Text Message Records from iOS/Android Phones

This article explains how you can recover the deleted text messages from your phone and how to get text message records from the phone.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
How to Forward Text on iPhone and Android

There is a much easier way of doing it regardless of using iPhone or android phone. Simply put, just forward the message to the person intended for.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top 6 SMS Tracker Softwares to Spy on Mobile SMS 2022

SMS tracking softwares are a type of smart phone monitoring softwares that helps you track incoming,send and even the deleted messages.Depending on your needs,you can buy these softwares.

Alice MJ Mar/08/2022
Sending Free Text or SMS Messages Online or from Computer

Use free SMS services with the steps and services mentioned below. Learn the art to overcome the issue easily.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top Ways to Send Text Messages from iPad

Can I text from my iPad? Sure, there are multiple ways to send text messages from iPad. Check out the solutions to send text messages on iPad.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top 6 Apps to Hide Text Messages and Protect Your Privacy

Everybody has distinctive motivations to hide their private SMS content, call logs and contacts, however,one very common reason is that we have something mysterious on our phone and don't want others

James Davis Mar/08/2022
The Easiest Way to Save Pictures from iMessage to a Computer

Can I directly save all photos from iMessage on iPhone to my computer? Sure! This guide shows you the easiest way to save photos from iMessage to a computer.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Love Messages for Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Parents, Wife and Husband

Messages are very important to express our love. This article covers all the love messages for girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, and husband.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
How to Solve iMessage Waiting for Activation Issue on iPhone?

Fed up of seeing the iMessage activation error pop-up randomly on your iPhone? Here is all you need to know about the iMessage won’t activate issue.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
How to Backup iMessage in Bulk on Computer Without iTunes

How can we move iPhone iMessage to PC or Mac local as a backup? This article is going to show you how to back up iPhone iMessage on computer with 3 steps.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Does iTunes Backup Text Messages? How to Restore?

Here are a few simple steps on how to back up your text messages and notes on iTunes.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
How to View and Restore Text Messages from iCloud

This article is about the tips for view and restore text messages from iCloud.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
How to Recover Deleted iMessages from iPhone

This article shows you how to recover deleted iMessages from iPhone, or only recover attachments like photos, video or audio files. Check in for details.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to View Deleted iMessage History on Windows/Mac OS X

Want to read deleted iMessage history on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? This article shares you two simple ways to view iMessage history in detail.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Extract Text Messages from iPhone X/ iPhone 8

Want to extract messages from iPhone to readable file? It’s easy. With this software, you can extract messages on iPhone without a hitch.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Restore Deleted Text Messages on iPhone

This article shows you three ways to restore deleted text messages on iPhone by yourself in simple clicks. Get in to follow it now!

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Recover Deleted Messages from your Samsung Cell Phone

How do I retrieve deleted SMS from my Samsung phone? It only takes you 3 steps. Read the full guide here and get back your messages on Samsung phone now!

James Davis Apr/28/2022
How to Recover Deleted Messages from Sony XPERIA Z

Want to retrieve deleted messages on your Sony XPERIA Z? This guide is the right one for you to recover your deleted messages by Dr.Fone - Android Data Recovery!

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Recover Text Message from a Broken Samsung Device

Is it possible to recovery SMS from a broken Samsung phone? It depends. If the Samsung mobile still can be opened and make some specific settings, the answer is YES

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Recover Text Messages from a Broken Android Device

Want to recover text messages from my broken Android phone? You can use Dr.Fone - Broken Android Data Recovery, the world's first Android data recovery software.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
How to Recover Text Messages from Internal Memory on Android Devices

Dr.Fone - Android Data Recovery, the world's first Android data recovery software, lets you recover messages and contacts from internal memory on Android.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to View iPhone Messages on PC or Mac

Read iPhone text messages on a computer? That's no problem! This guide here tells you how to view iPhone text messages on your PC or Mac in minutes.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Recover Deleted Text Messages from Samsung Galaxy S6

This guide shows you an easy way to retrieve delete messages from your Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge. It only takes you a few minutes.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Recover Deleted Text Messages from Samsung Galaxy Phones/ Tablets

Here's how to Recover deleted text messages from Samsung Galaxy Devices and How to make sure you don't lose them again.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Undelete Messages on iPhone

This articles shows you the best way to undelete your text messages from iPhone, including the latest iPhone 6s Plus,iPhone SE.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
3 Detailed Ways to Print Text Messages from iPhone 7/6s/6/5 Easily

Learn how to print messages from iPhone by following this comprehensive post. We have listed a stepwise process for printing text messages from iPhone.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Enter Recovery Mode on Android.

Where are my text messages? Is that the question you often ask? Don't worry. You are not the only one suffering from this problem.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Add, Backup, Edit, Delete and Manage Android Message

If you are someone who has an Android phone and text a lot, an Android SMS manager is a necessity for you to add, backup, edit, delete and manage Android messages.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer & Backup iPhone SMS/iMessage Conversation to PC/Mac

The great way to Transfer & Backup iPhone SMS is saving it as a readable and editable file, not a picture. With iPhone export tool, it's a simple work.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
How to Export iPhone Messages/ iMessages to PDF Easily?

Worried on how to export iMessages to PDF? Do not think too much, just read the article below to get all the answers.

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
Top 10 Free Sites to Receive SMS Online Without Real Phone Number

Get to know the top 10 free sites where you can receive messages online without your real phone number.

James Davis May/11/2022
Four Ways to Read Text Messages Online For Free

This article tell you 4 ways to read text messages online for free. You can use these method to view your own or other people's text messages online.

James Davis May/11/2022
Top 10 Mass Text Messaging Services You May Need

This article gives you some of the best mass text message app you can choose from.

James Davis May/11/2022
Solutions for iTunes Backup Session Failed

If you are one of those people, then you have landed at the right place because this article would discover the solution to this problem.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
2 Solutions for iTunes Corrupt Backup

If you face iTunes corrupt backup issues while using iTunes, don't worry, as we are here to tell you two solutions for iTunes corrupt backup.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Fix Cannot Connect to iTunes Store on Your iPhone/iPad

Cannot connect to App Store on iPhone? Learn how to fix it promptly with over 10 solutions for you.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Forgot iTunes Password? 3 Ways to Recover iTunes Password Easily

Forgot my iTunes password again! Now, what should I do? How do I reset iTunes password? We have the answer to all the above questions for you.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
3 Solutions to Update iTunes On Your Computer

I am getting an error whenever I try iTunes update on my computer, What are the solutions to counter this iTunes update error?

James Davis Mar/08/2022
App Store Not Working on My iPhone, How Do I Fix It?

I need to download a new game, but the Apple App store not working. Is there any way to fix it quickly?

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top Best Ways to Get Free iTunes Cards Legally

I am looking to get free iTunes card codes. There are so many options online, how do I know which are the legal ways?

James Davis Mar/08/2022
3 Ways to See iTunes Purchase History easily

How do I check my iTunes purchase history, I do not know about my purchase history iPhone. Please help!

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Solutions to Fix All iTunes Match Not Working Issues

Facing iTunes match problems.It is just freezing again and again. What am I doing wrong, how can I fix this issue?

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top 3 iTunes Alternatives for Android Software

Want a best iTunes alternative for Android?Here lists out top 3 iTunes alternatives for Android software.With them,manage and transfer Android data easily.

Alice MJ Mar/08/2022
Top 5 iTunes Remote for Android Apps

This article describes how to transfer music from itunes to android and provides you top 5 iTunes remote for Android apps.

Alice MJ Mar/08/2022
Everything You Should Know about iTunes File Sharing

Here we will show you a full guide about iTunes file sharing and how to use iTunes file sharing, how to share iTunes music to device.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Forgot iTunes Backup Password? Here Are Real Solutions.

This method still includes the use of a software to backup your files but it will help you backup your data without iTunes restrictions.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
5 Beautiful Free iTunes Visualizers to Download

Download and install extra iTunes visualizer to get more fun from iTunes. 5 Beautiful iTunes visualizers are shared here, and pick out your favorites.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
A Full Guide on How to Use iTunes Home Sharing

This article gives you a detailed guide about how to use iTunes home sharing to share media files between your friends, families, between devices and computers.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
How to Display Song Lyrics for iTunes and iPod

Lyric is one feature that miss in all versions of iTunes for so long. This article will show you how you can display song lyrics in your iTunes and iPod.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
How to Do if Fails to Repair iTunes?

How to do if fails to repair iTunes? Here are what you need to know.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
Top 3 iTunes Plugins | Free Download in 2022

This article will introduce 3 useful iTunes plugins for lyrics, visualization, EQ, file transferring and cleaning up your song tracks.

James Davis Mar/08/2022
How to Format/Reset iPod without iTunes

Learn the ways to factory reset iPod touch without iTunes. The awesome ways mentioned are worth giving a shot for sure.

Alice MJ Mar/18/2022
Different Ways to Restart or Reboot iPhone[iPhone 13 included]

Learn how to restart iPhone in different ways. We have listed a wide range of solutions to reboot iPhone 6, 7, 7 Plus, 11, 12, 13 and older generation phones in this post.

James Davis Mar/31/2022
Does iTunes Backup Apps on iPhone/iPad

There might be a question whether iTunes backup apps or not. This question will be clarified in this article.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
6 Soltuions to Fix iTunes Won't Backup iPhone

We assume you are here as you’re in trouble and the culprit is your iTunes.We have the right solutions to fix this problem, iTunes could not backup the iPhone.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
How to Restore from iTunes Backup

In this article, we will introduce you two solutions on how to restore from iTunes backup and recover your precious data.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Does My iTunes Back Up Photos?

Does iTunes backup photos?Yes, iTunes backup photos so that in case you lost your phone or it gets damaged, you can successfully recover your photos.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
How to Restore iPhone from iTunes Backup

This article provides full guides about restoring iPhone from iTunes and solutions to the problems that may occur when you restore iPhone with iTunes.

Alice MJ Mar/31/2022
Top 6 Free iTunes Backup Extractors

This article shows you a list of top free iTunes backup extractors. You can get a free iTunes backup extractor here for your own use.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to View Photos on iTunes Backup?

We will present you the guide on how to view photos on iTunes backup with Wondershare Dr. Fone for iOS software, as well as a guide to delete photos from iTunes

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Top 5 iTunes Backup Managers

Did iTunes ever come across as difficult to use to you? Don't worry, we are bringing you the top 5 iTunes backup managers. Check them out!

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to View iTunes Backup Files for Free

This article shows you how to find iTunes backup file on your computer and how to view iTunes backup for free in 2 steps.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Recover iPhone Data Without iTunes Backup

Is there any way to recover data from iPhone without any backup? Sure! This article shows you 2 great ways to recover iPhone data without iTunes backup.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Selectively Restore Photos from iTunes Backup

Only want to restore photos from iTunes backup? That's easy! This guide tells you how to preview and recover only photos from iTunes backup in 2 steps.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
iTunes Data Recovery: Selectively Recover iPhone's Data from iTunes Backup

This article shows you an iTunes data recovery program, which helps to selectively recover iPhone's data from iTunes.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to sync iTunes Music with Google Play on Android

This page offers the best solution to sync iTunes music with google play on android ,also with a better alternative solution to transfer music between android and iTunes.

Bhavya Kaushik Apr/28/2022
Easy Methods to Copy Music from iTunes to Flash Drive

Basically, there are 2 ways to copy music from iTunes to flash drive. This article tells you how to copy iTunes music to flash drive easily and accurately.

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
4 Ways to Watch iTunes Movie on Android

Don't know how to play iTunes M4V videos on Android phones or tablets? This article tells you 4 ways to watch iTunes movies on Android devices.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer MP3 to iPad with/without iTunes Sync

Wanna to know how to transfer Mp3 to iPad? This post introduces how to transfer MP3 to iPad,and offers top 3 helpful ways for the users to finish the task.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
A Full Guide to Transfer Music from iTunes to Android

Want to play iTunes on Android? It's easy. Here, the article shows you a full guide on how to transfer music, movies, podcast from iTunes to Android.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
2 Methods to Transfer Playlists from iTunes to iPhone

Want to Transfer Playlists from iTunes to iPhone with ease? This step-by-step guide tells you how to transfer iTunes playlist to iPhone for play fast.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Export iTunes Playlist with Music Files

Learn how to export the playlist along with actual song files, or just export all iTunes playlists for backup or use in other iOS Devices.

Daisy Raines Apr/28/2022
How to Transfer Music from Android to iTunes

Want to transfer music from Android to iTunes? No problem! This article shows you 3 quite easy ways to complete the task.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022
Full Guide to Install iTunes on Windows and Mac

Facing iTunes install error and want to know the right way to iTunes install on Windows and Mac? Keep reading then to find all the answers.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Quick Solutions to Fix iTunes Error 7 (Windows Error 127)

iTunes error 7 is very disappointing and a headache. If you ever suffered from this iTunes error 7 problems and want to get rid of it,here are some quick solutions for you.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Fix iTunes Won't Update/Install Due to Windows Installer Package Problem?

I need help! Need to resolve this,my iTunes not being able to upgrade or install,just says“iTunes there is a problem with this windows installer package”

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Why Is iTunes So Slow and How to Make iTunes Run Faster?

Dealing with the slow working of iTunes? need not worry. Here we will guide you to come out of this problem, why is iTunes so slow?

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Quick Solutions to Fix iTunes Won't Open on Windows

iTunes won’t open on your Windows PC? Looking for solutions to fix the problem? Here is all you need to know.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Full Guide to Fix iTunes Keeps Freezing or Crashing Issues

Need help fixing your iTunes keep crashing issues? We assume it is a yes and that’s the reason you have landed on this page.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Fix iTunes Not Detecting Your iPhone?

I have been trying to connect my phone to iTunes but don’t know what’s wrong my iTunes not detecting iPhone. Tried restarting still no results, need help!!

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
10 Tips To Make iTunes Run Faster

These 10 tips will make your iTunes run faster in Mac and Win.By removing unnecessary services and features on iTunes,you can totally speed up your iTunes.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
Best 6 Methods When iPad Won't Sync with iTunes in 2022

Your iPad won't sync with iTunes? Don't worry. This article offers you best 6 methods to fix it. Go and read it.

Alice MJ Apr/28/2022
How to Download and Change the iTunes Skins

It's time to change the iTunes skin to your favorite style. This article will tell you how to download and modify iTunes skins on Windows and on Mac.

James Davis May/11/2022
How to Download Facebook Video Using Link - Multiple Ways

It is not possible to download Facebook videos directly. This article explains multiple ways that would guide users to download Facebook videos through a link.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
How to Download Photo from Facebook?

Facebook is not only a social media platform. It allows you to both upload and download images and videos. But to download photo from Facebook is a difficult task for many. If you are one of them, continue reading.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Best Twitter Gif Downloader Online and on PC

Many users share creative GIF images but others find them difficult to download. This article tells 5 best apps for downloading GIF videos and images.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
How to Save a Video From Facebook to Your Phone?

Most times, many people confuse saving a Facebook video. Are you one of them? If so, read this guide to learn how to do it effortlessly!

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Feasible Ways to Download Video Twitter Android

Downloading video from Twitter on your Android is no big deal now. With these ways in your hand, you can easily share your downloaded videos directly on any platform.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
How to Download Facebook Video iPhone?

You always need an application to download a Facebook video on an iPhone. This article will present different ways that would help you to download Facebook video iPhone.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
How to Download Instagram Videos on PC?

Unlike other platforms, Instagram doesn't allow us to download images. If you are looking for an easy way to download Instagram posts, your solution is in this article.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
How to Download Twitter Videos to iPhone?

Many people grapple with saving nice Twitter videos to their iPhones because Apple does not permit that. Don’t limit yourself – read the tutorial to learn them.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Ways for Twitter Video Download [Fast & Effective]

Are you looking for fast & effective methods for downloading twitter videos on your device? If yes then have a quick look on this ultimate guide and find your solution well.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Best Way of How to Download Instagram Stories on PC

How to download Instagram stories on PC is one of the most difficult tasks for many. If it is for you too, follow some simple and tested techniques that are presented here to make your task easy.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
How to Download Photos from Instagram?

There is a lot of media on Instagram. You can either view it or download it anytime you want. But If you have tried to download images from Instagram and weren't able to do so. This guide is for you.

James Davis Apr/28/2022
Different Ways to Download Instagram Private Videos in Good Quality

There are instances when downloading private Instagram videos is important. This article describes multiple ways that explain the techniques to download Instagram videos with ease.

Selena Lee Apr/28/2022